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pop the fuck off

move back, pop off, get out of my face, a frase meaning to leave you alone said in a pissy tone

Andun told Jonathan to pop the fuck off after he threatened him

by weswalker October 19, 2016

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Fuzzy Pop Top

Noun; when you put your pubes in a persons soda

I gave my girlfriend a Fuzzy Pop Top.

by Nukeman October 4, 2007

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Center of the Tootsie Pop

When a sexual partner is licking a mans β€œtootsie pop” or penis and then he asks how many licks till you get to the center of my tootsie pop, the woman then licks the mans penis 3 times then proceeds to chomp down on the mans penis, causing him great pain but squeezing the cum, or center of the tootsie pop out.

Friend 1: β€œHey I heard that Katie discovered how many licks it takes to get to the Center of the Tootsie Pop.”

Friend 2: β€œYa, she left teeth marks and it hurt like a bitch but man did she find that center good!”

by Ohneil69420 October 29, 2019

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Pop up boys

When you just show up at some one's house or work un announced.

Man Nicki and Lydia just showed up at my crib, pop up boys on ya ass...

by gudgrl February 10, 2012

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Pop a Titty Day

On June 28th all thy tithes shall be popped , for the nipples shall be free, let freedom ring !!!!

Happy national Pop a Titty Day show me them melons

by Patrick Lewis Onkocka June 25, 2022

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pop lock & drop it

A dance done while going number 2 in the bathroom. You get the Pop - bubbly stomach; Lock - you zero in on the tolet and aim; and drop it - plop plop. Oh what a relief that it is.

"Girl, I had some bad sushi and beer combo and I had to go to the bathroom and pop lock & drop it all day long!"

by Corey Lane June 7, 2007

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Anal Pop Tart

When you take a pop tart of your favorite flavor smoosh it all up and stick it in your partners ass.Then you have them shit it back out in your mouth lapping it all up...

Damn baby last night that anal pop tart was absolutley delishoius

by Bloodxity85 December 28, 2011

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