Source Code

b i g r o u x

lots of roux

see my first addition for the definition on roux

guy 1: hey I got "b i g r o u x"
guy 2: that's chill

by CarpetEater is a god agree? October 9, 2019

5👍 2👎


Biology acronymn

King Philip Comes Over For Great Sex

What does K-P-C-O-F-G-S mean?


by L-Dawg23456789 December 8, 2006

177👍 211👎


-A word i made up-
Sexbox is an affectionet name anyone may call me , it can also be a sqaure box , designed persificly for each person with the word sexbox written on a side.
Sexbox;s have there own personalitys and may fall in love , you must look after them properly and treat them carefully.

1 "hey there she is ..HEY SEXBOX WERE OVER HERE"
2 "Look at my sexbox , its not like yours mine looks like a house and yours is just a box and look at how a wrote sexbox on it..aw i think the sexbox's are in love"
3 "where do you live"says girl "in my sexbox"says guy
he shuffles "im not a tramp/hobo/bum i like living in a box"

by Summer-sky / Naomi July 17, 2006

8👍 34👎

R o t f l t d o l w t h b g h o t w a h i a n

Roll On The Floor Laughing Then Died Of Laughter Went To Heaven But Got Hit On The Way And Here I Am Now

Died because he laughed to much went to heaven bt wings got chopped of by a plane and fell all the way back in to his body so he is here today... eg R o t f l t d o l w t h b g h o t w a h i a n

by LittleT February 9, 2012

10👍 16👎


When you're hella depressed from a phat breakup, that eternal feeling of darkness and lack of life is known as T H E V O I D. T H E V O I D consumes you. Few escape from T H E V O I D.

Person 1: Well boys, T H E V O I D has returned.
Person 2: Dude, T H E V O I D gets me every day bro.
Person 1: T H E V O I D is my home now.

by pandaturtle October 29, 2019

3👍 1👎

Skaru me o se på skotrn min?

"Skaru me o se på skotrn min?" är en självklar raggningsreplik. Liksom, vem skulle inte bli lite smått kåt av denna replik och vilja hänga med personen som frågar var som helst?

För att kunna få tjejer (eller killar) med denna måste du förbereda lite, fråga dem om de gillar att jaga, har skoter, bor uppe i Norrland, m.m. När du har fått reda på all fakta du behöver är det nu tid att slå till. Säg "Skaru me o se på skotrn min?" och se tjejerna (eller killarna) svärmas efter dig som bin.
Varning, det finns en stor risk att den bara fungerar i norra Sverige och om du säger det som det står så säger du det också i pitemål, så för bästa möjliga reaktion ska den utföras uppe i Piteå, eller Älvsbyn kan också fungera.

Robin- Har du kört nå skoter då i dina dar?
Ida-Jovisst, brorsan har skoter så det kör ja lite då och då.
Robin-Men var kommer du ifrån då?
Ida- Jag bor ju här nere i Umeå, men kommer ursprungligen från Älvsbyn.
Robin- Ahh, så skaru me o se på skotrn min?
Ida- Självklart, var ska vi? *vink*

by Raggarn i norr, me skotrn November 3, 2020

3👍 1👎


The acronym used to remember the breakdown of species classification, with the genus and species comprising the scientific name. (ex. Human= Homo (Genus) Sapien (Species))


K-P-C-O-F-G-S is the abbreviated form of biological classifications.

by keput April 16, 2007

109👍 140👎