Source Code

*°= 3 = y; use x = 3, and y = 1

you found this on reddit, and searched it out of curiosity about the "child abuse" text that pops up.

John: "Hey Bob, search this up, it's funny! *°= 3 = y; use x = 3, and y = 1"
Bob: "wow so funny"

by deepestfried January 25, 2022


I'm up on you bitch

*Goes into facility*

*Kills someone with an orbital cannon.*

"1-0 lzzzzz I'm up"

by TheWarHorse100 July 25, 2021


when you become the literal physical embodiment of boredom, you are so bored to the point that you literally want to kill yourself.

"Hey, I'm so bored and I wanna kill myself."

by asohifguewrasefi October 5, 2022

Name 1

You can name one or it isn't a personal take thing

Hym "Then name 1. Still no fat-cock incel. You're all full of shit."

by Hym Iam July 4, 2024

#1 sniper

sniper tf2

dominate a casual server.
you're the #1 sniper.

by dplumpkin August 21, 2023

1 1/2th date

It's the date between the first and second date. This only applies when the second date has been meticulously planned and you don't want to bump it to the third date. This is the date where the magic happens.

Tina invited me out to the festival before our second date, I guess that's the 1 1/2th date as we had great plans for our second date.

by Linus VanPuben July 26, 2019

2 for 1 special

When Katlyn and Jeremy sell jars of farts together its a 2 for 1 special...

Kat and Jeremy gave me that 2 for 1 special

by Cold_carnation January 15, 2022