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Pirateye or Pirate-Eye

The result of a male's cum shot into an open eye which causes the eye to shut hard.

1. When I shot my load at her, she got pirateye.

2. She walked around with pirateye all day.

by prodiGyBNTY August 21, 2003

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The Eye of Argon

A very badly written sword and sorcery novella. It was written in the 1970s by 16-year-old Jim Theis and features the adventures of a wandering swordsman called Grignr. While the story does in fact have a plot to it -- a very standard one much like the Conan the Barbarian stories -- it is so badly executed that it has passed into the legends of science fiction fandom.

A scintillating, many fauceted scarlet emerald, a brilliant gem seeming to possess a life all of its own. A priceless gleaming stone, capable of domineering the wealth of conquering empires...the eye of Argon.

by Jay Young May 23, 2005

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Fish Eye and the Dolphin

When Doing a girl doggy style and you attempt to put it in her bum, she looks back at you with one eye (like a fish) and goes "ah ah ah ah ah ah!" (the dolphin)

its pretty self explanitory dude!

by Jack D February 11, 2005

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dialated brown eye

A term used for a gapping asshole.

After anal sex, she had dialated brown eye.

by SamiamNoGreenEggsNham September 16, 2007

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Puppy-Dog Eyes

Eyes so large and sparkly that you look like a fucking dog

Lindsey has massive puppy-dog eyes. Her and my dog fido look like twins.

by A stack of doughnuts March 14, 2021

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Polish Eye Glue

Foreign polish cum that is shot into the eyes of innocent woman to help keep there eyes shut so they don't see a polish hammer enter their Ass at high speeds.

Harris quick she is waking up give her some polish eye glue so I can jam my 3 inch polish jet boat into her brown tightpocket.

by Gary chalker May 8, 2017

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Crazy Eye Sanfilipo

A person that could not walk down stairs, therefore falling and losing an entire peice of his skull.

Crazy Eye Sanfilipo fell down and broke hisself in da eye. Now he just see's In and Out burgers everywhere.

by Djoyner May 4, 2005

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