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Bunpa Moment

A moment when something could be really good or bad depending on the view and you have no clue what to say.

Person A: Yeah well including this last minute planned one, thats 4 camping trips this summer!

Person B: Bunpa moment

by Jomobile July 3, 2020


When a situation is more, it's a moment.

Man, I backed my car over your luggage. Umm, fuck, sorry, Situ-moment.

by 456sanchita April 30, 2023

leo moment

Attempting to do a task before getting completely distracted by something unrelated

Person A: Did you do your homework?
Person B: Argh, I meant to, but then I got distracted by researching penguin anatomy
Person A: That’s a Leo moment

by treefish._1 May 5, 2023


a Ben-Herman-moment is when a friend rejects a game invite because "they are on mac" and cannot run the game. a Ben-Herman-moment usually starts with a friendly rejection; they say "oh its on windows :( " showing their regret and sadness because of their situation than who ever is their usually respond with "lmao ben German moment. L + ratio + bozo + haha lmao you use mac loser"

bozo + haha lmao you use mac loser"
yo wanna play duck game it's only like a dollar.
oh... its on windows
lmao L + ratio + skill issue + get good + Ben-Herman-moment

by the norman moment September 21, 2022

Vanity moment

When your force your dog into sex

Bro,vanity moment is bad

by By bruh guy November 20, 2020

window moment

when you go through the dang window how tf does that happen?!!!

yo that was a total window moment

by succmyween May 31, 2022

keiffer moment

There are four different keiffer moments , and for all of them you may refer to them as a "keiffer moment" or even "pulling a keiffer"
Keiffer moment 1: When you mix up your friend's names and repeat them over and over until you reach the right name
Keiffer moment 2: Whenever your walking next to somebody, speed up past them, and slow down just for them to run into you.
Keiffer moment 3: Find a way to ruin a romantic interaction, perhaps by slamming hands on the friends while they're walking with their gf/bf.
Keiffer moment 4: Screaming while talking in the cafeteria at 7 AM, or simply yelling when not necessary.

Friend 1: *pulling a keiffer moment (definition 4)*
Friend 2: SHUT THE HELL UP!!
Friend 1: Sorry, won't do it again.
Friend 1, 3 minutes later: *pulls another key 4 moment 4*

by Dawsonz February 28, 2022