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corrine juice

Nasty Yellow Juices that comes out of a male's uranus.

Jeff went to the doctors office and said he had a bad case of corrine juice.

by Hannah March 14, 2005

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Stupid Fuck Juice

The juice that people who think Epstein killed himself drink.

Are you seriously drinking stupid fuck juice? You must think Epstein killed himself.

by Commanche Fletch August 1, 2020

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dumb bitch juice

another word for mountain dew because i know a lot of dumb bitches me included that drunk mountain dew.

i need to get some dumb bitch juice

by supfckers December 5, 2019

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qeef squirt juice

The definiton of qeef squirt juice is when you fart from your vagina and green brown poop comes out to.

You usally get this when eat alot of beans and put hot sauce and ketchup on them.

This could be very dangerous if you get a qeef squirt juice in school. kids will make fun of you -_-

OH MAN ! ; i got smelly qeef squirt juice in my pants;
i shouldnt of had those beans with hot sauce and ketchup on them =\

by cookiefart June 29, 2009

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You Got Juiced

when playing a game of NCAA Football, the quarterback does NOT pitch the ball on the option.

Mike: "Touchdown nigga"
Steven: "Sike"
Mike: "Why?"
Steven: "Nigga gonna Juice your ass"
Mike: "Naw, he won't"
Mike: "Motha fucka Juiced me again!"
Steven: "You got juiced"

by Stevensnider January 16, 2009

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Pulling a Juice Wrld

When a person, or animal begins to spastically convulse until passing out, or death.

bro that man is Pulling a Juice Wrld.

by Fetalmatter December 11, 2019

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REAL Jungle Juice

A potent concoction made up of whatever happens to have been tossed into the proverbial punch bowl. This can include, but is not limited to, any kind of hard liquor, copius amounts of beer, extremely entertaining hallucinagenic substances, and even various female undergarments (on rare occasions male undergarments are also tossed in; they add a large quantity of fibre but unfortunately also have the potential of adding quite alot of ball sweat and pubes to your otherwise heavenly drink).

REAL Jungle Juice: A bunch of beer, a bra, some coke, and lots of vodka.

by The Man of Wealth and Taste December 16, 2009

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