To insert your foot inside someone's rectal cavity for non-sexual enjoyment.
Akin to wearing a warm shoe.
I hear Geoff did The Alex on Mike, how loose is his clacker?
"He's pretty loose but still trucking"
The Alex is when you go to a dance (preferably homecoming) in an outfit that is lackluster in style, not because your closet does not possess any type of better fit, but because your style is so horrendous. Upon arriving at said dance, you must also get your woman taken by a man who has been attempting to get people to call him a certain nickname for over a year.
“Bro I can’t believe I went to that dance and did The Alex. Justin, out of everybody?”
The Alex is when you go to a dance (preferably a homecoming) in a makeshift last minute outfit, because your wardrobe has to lack a nice enough fit that you won’t get clowned for. Upon arriving at said homecoming, you have to get your woman taken by somebody who has been attempting people to get them to call him a certain nickname for over a year.
“Bro I can’t believe I pulled The Alex at this year’s homecoming. I didn’t think Justin could steal her out of everybody.”
A genuine, but sometimes secretive friend. He is logically oriented and a cunning planner. Although he can easily attain a partner, he usually tends to be a lone wolf because he doesn't believe in a frivolous relationship, and yearns for true love. They tend to not subscribe to the conventions of society, doing what they feel is most entertaining or comfortable. He is self-validated, and a risk taker, although his outward confidence hides a more vulnerable character. True Alex's won't be involved in activities like Football and Lacrosse, the ones who do are usually shorter and less comfortable with their masculinity. Due to their creativity and determination, Alex's are goal-oriented and work tirelessly to reach their long term mission. He loves having fun and will risk embarrassment for a good laugh. He never feels the need to drink or do drugs because he doesn't need them to enjoy life. Overall, Alex's are a constant source of laughs and are exceptionally loyal friends you'd be lucky to have. But all children beware. They often pretend to be younger then they are and can have an alternate life where they are the biggest pedo you have ever met.
“Omg are they really letting Alex Butcher do work experience at a nursery. They know he’s a pedophile right.”
A idiot who loves getting it from his dad
Hey u want some alex its me ur dad lets get some alex
Alex HArdin - Gay idiot
Hey ur an alex hardin
The best guy anyone could ever have. He never fails to crack a smile on anyones face, hes very outgoing and isnt afraid to get what he wants. He loves everyone and everything. He is very hardworking and puts his mind towards it.
I love Alex Livingston
An Alex Chiesa is someone who wears cuffed pants, his hair parted down the middle, tries to skate but is really shit, and probably has a wiener dog named Apache.
Hey Alex Chiesa, why is your hair like that?