Lying or stretching the truth. Sowing seeds of deception. Speaking about things to be seen not heard.
So my ex called me last night the whole conversation was him planting da bull...
kingy da monster 1,001 is smart, he is a replica of kingthemonster101. Below is what kingy da monster 1,001 mean:
kingy - Da kingy means the kingfisher he is smart.
Da - Da is yes in Serbian.
Monster - Kingy da monster 1,001 is SCARY.
1,001 - kingy da monster 1,001 is 1,001 in dog years.
OMG! It's kingy da monster 1,001!
The Kingpin Of North New Jersey & the ultimate fuckin machine. the Macho Man wit a mustache.
J.R Da PackGoat has the best weed 4 the best prices
(J.R Da PackGoat is known 4 his legendary rates on fine marijuana)
da hood is a very toxic game that when someone airshots you you will hear them saying ez
A game on Roblox with over 1 billion visits that is disliked by most of the Roblox community because of its ego filled player base and the game being a playground for exploiters.
Guy: I hate Da Hood! The game is full of skids!
a type of illness roblox players do when they cant find anything else to do with their lives.