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Stoobin' up da cob

The act of making a dildo, based off of a real dick using a piece of corn on the cob.

"Hey want to hang at my place later" "sorry I cant I'm stoobin' up da cob"

by LittleKidLoverMichaelScott March 17, 2019

das bad

when a hater reluctantly acknowledges someone else's achievements.

"I just heard Erik won the lotto, then got all yoked out and became a male stripper....das bad....."

by The Double E August 26, 2023

National get Naked on FaceTime da

On every December 28 the person your on FaceTime with has to get naked and do a little dance.

Boy: yo it’s December 28 National get naked on FaceTime day you know what that means
Girl: yeah I know what day it is *gets naked*

by Chrisfromclt December 29, 2021

Da Boop

Boop da nose

cat: Meow
Me: Da boop

by Pugs_R_Us March 15, 2022

ny da don

she da realest nigga out💯 finna need ass surgery da way she shittin on dese bitches. gang shit dats all she on 🤘🏾

ny da don the best to ever do it rs

by nydamfdon November 22, 2021

Da Jeong

A Da Jeong, or as she likes to be called DJ, is a really sweet kind hearted person. DJ is a lot prettier and more beautiful of a person than she lets herself get credit for both inside and out. although often thinking the worst of herself, she is the best version of any of us, someone we should all cherish and keep and have at our side. a DJ is someone who is always there for you no matter how little you give, however you must never forget to take care of her because even a caregiver needs some care given even though they won't admit it and even tell you they dont want it. and although a DJ may seem a bit crazy at times from keeping things in for so long or say things nobody else has the balls to say out loud, shes really an angel at heart. if you ever find a DJ keep her, take care of her even if she hates it and go and be crazy with her, have fun and never lose her

Person 1: "Wow that person gave me a hug right when i needed it and i didn't even ask for it
Person 2: "That must've been a Da Jeong."

by vegeeatter1204 June 13, 2019

DA SHIT points

What you get when a monkey pelts you with its poo.

Michelle gained 3 DA SHIT points at the zoo yesterday.

by Bananaramalama August 17, 2010