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The Stevie Effect

To ruin someone's sexuality and whole way of life.

Henry really had the Stevie Effect on his last bird.

by Gulag hermit April 26, 2020

The Pringles Effect

The effect that conspiracy thinking makes a person more susceptible and readily accepting of other conspiracy theories.

Ever since Mike started believing that Q Anon nonsense, he started spewing other crap like 9/11 Truth. He really is a walking talking version of The Pringles Effect

by Bill Nada January 24, 2021

Trenboy27 Effect

It's an effect where when trenboy27 talks to you and your life starts falling apart.

A: Look i've made a new friend
B: What's his name?
A: Trenboy27
B: Google Trenboy27 Effect before you get groomed stupid ape

by TurkTroller September 14, 2022

Belvin Effect

When a joke is turned into an unneeded lesson

Person A: Pugs are so cute!
Person B: Did you know that pugs were bred so much that they are unable to breathe easily.
Person A: Did you know that you are annoying me with the Belvin effect?

by Ginger bot August 18, 2019

Rasso Effect

When you turn into a pedophile growing a pedo tash and long hair.

rasso effect, the turning from human to pedophile know as the rasso effect

by Zolyon April 17, 2021

The T1 effect

The effect of Malding in regards to playing league of legends. The T1 effect is the ability to mald yourself, your teammates, your enemies, your fanboys, your haters and literally anyone playing with you or near you while playing a game of league of legends.

The T1 effect will cause you to win a lost game and lose a won game by furious typing alone. Whether you win or lose is determined by your ability to mald others without malding yourself, how much blood rush you’ve had in a day, and how many times you scream “fuck this game.”

Kenny sure had the T1 effect that game, I have no idea how he managed to go 0-11 and not stroke out.

by BoxOfFrogs March 26, 2021

plug effect

When a firm turd is blocking the ensuing diarrhea.

I have been setting on the toilet ever since I released the plug effect.

by Plugman1 February 5, 2022