-It is a slur, It's very offensive to swag people. Do not say it. Ever.
-Hey, Didn't I just told you to not say it??? yikes bro don't even try
The Author of the first Alien encounter crash site over N. texas. (Aurora) April 17th 1897. Demolition of a whindmill and a craft that bursted into flames was discoverd. 6 years before the first development of the human aircrafts/planes. A well was caped with the wreckage in 1957. A strage illness was documented after the handeling of the materials and supposed alien lifeform. Images from the early 1970's have been documented along with mutiple testamoney's of the Alien piolets remains beeing seen. Scrutinised photos were in 1897, 1895, and so on. Molten mixture of aluminum and Silver. Debries have been found in that area since.
Other sitings in that time frame include Chicago, Il., Ca., Mo., NE., ect. The sceptical site was on Judge Procters land in the 1890's. Myth, legend, or cover up?
Penny; I've been studying this account since I was a child.
David c: Silly girl, aliens don't exist. It's propaganda
Penny: There is accounts by S. E. Hayden as weel as many others that reported incedents.
David c; Your crazy
Penny: I know that man. But, I like that I don't believe everything like the status zombie community now in existance.
David c; I'll have to look that up one day. Any theory's on God?
Penny: The story's of him and horus are very similar works of writing so I still do not have the answers for you. i'd like to see the new Pyramid sitings in Egypt though.
________'s Office is a House that has words that is cruel or strange it's infinite if you enter the office your word doesn't make any sense help me for apple in days tree apple tree
I entered ____'s Office now and when I talk, I never get any sense.
Some random guy from the streets that probably ate a extremely long pickle for breakfast. Kyle S. likes to tell jokes and will laugh at nearly everything, this guy is a guy because he isn't a female so he was automatically a male not by choice.
Yo is that Kyle S.?
Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
AKA i have alot of pubic hair
(for refrence: in the 70's people went all natural and didn't care to shave)
kyle: so girl, we still on tonight? ;)
pamela:sure, just gimme time . it's the 70's down there
kyle: i'm a grown ass man, some hair wont stop me girl
Ouchess, Ballus - Or better known as known as Testicle(s), are orb like objects that dangle in a sack attached to a man’s scrotum. The size of the testicle(s), is measured by how a man lives out his life (the braver man, the larger the testicles), and so on. These testicles, however, are also a man’s weakest point, as they cannot be covered up by muscle, and thus, are very susceptible to a woman’s high heels.
Note: They are also referred to as “Balls”
1. P1 “yo, I just messed a guy up so hard, he ain’t gonna be walking for days.”
P2 “Aye, you got the biggest balls.”
2. P1 “She kicked me right in the balls.”
3. P1 “I’m sorry to inform you sir, there’s no easy way to put this…”
P2 “So what’s the problem doctor?”
P1 “You have stage four testicular cancer.”
P1 “Fuck.”
4. “Do your balls hang low, do they wobble to and fro?
Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow?”
5. “A man licking another man’s testicle(s) is gay.”
absolutely not. if u named ur kid this please legally change their name like this person is actually so ass like its horrendous like fucking gross like this thing is actually so ugly that lot looks like a failed science experiment that literal fucking rodents made and snuck onto earth. Like please even recantation cant even fix it
ew hari with an s at the end cs i dont wanna get exposed lmfaoooo is so ew
2👍 4👎