Max Daniel is the name of a fun and weird person! Sometimes he will hang out with the wrong people just to find the beautiful in them. He understands that everyone got something good in them!
Max Daniel is a person who always will see the good in people
The most weirdest guy. He has a pure heart and is really funny. Quite popular but doesn't really know it.
'Daniel Williams is a class clown, he's so funny!'
This is a hard person to define. He is very intelligent, tall, strong, and fast. He is compared to chuck Norris.
Someone: Yay!
Someone else: Why do you say that?
Someone: Daniel Kennedy is here!
Someone else: Oh, Yay
Daniel foster was a member of the critically acclaimed Dryden Quartet, he was also ginger in his younger years and had to take a dinghy to reach his current abode from his birthplace. He is a fairly dodgy guy playing weird games and joining weird discord servers. he is also a part time gmod server moderator
Look a ginger! he looks like a young Daniel Foster
They are a daniel rp acc and are swag and funny
Person1 who is that?
Person2 You mean daniel.24.campcamp there awsome check them out