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person 1 - what is the law

person 2 - oh its non-existent

by June 20, 2023


super hot oml πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š big boobs horny bitch, we love Law

Faster Law πŸ₯΅

by Lawmobeew November 21, 2021


super hot oml πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š big boobs horny bitch, we love Law

Faster Law πŸ₯΅

by Lawmobeew November 21, 2021


Fucking hot bitchπŸ‘Š big horny boobs, we love Law, love me caca, suport caca thurday coffee

Faster Law!!!

by Lawmobeew November 21, 2021


Land, Air, Water L.A.W

Hey do you know what law stands for? Land, Air, Water.. Wow that makes sense now.

by Lunalove1432 January 6, 2022


LaW is an abbrevation that means Loses All Wars, which was popularized in the online survival gaming community.
The general belief is that any group who takes on this combination of letters will be doomed to lose all wars and commit such trash kid mistakes as deleting their own base accidently.

LaW means loses all wars.
LaW members will definitely lose all wars.
You suck so bad you're definitely gonna LaW

by Thunderpain January 25, 2020


Females are now saying once again the law is not on their side. In reality, the law is not on anyone's side, including Bill Cosby's, any more than the media is. Instead of being with the rest of the human race, it still seems like females still expect to be treated differently than the rest of the human race, that the law should be on their side, and that it would be right if it was. They are special because males don't have babies.

The law is not on your side, and nowadays, with the Derek Chauvin trial, the law is not even on their own side any more. Kind of like criminals are not on each other's side, there is no honor amongst thieves either. All these groups are just people like everyone else, no group above the other, or the law.

by The Original Agahnim June 30, 2021