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Keystone Light or Natural Light, cheap beer outside of Busch, usually consumed by the mentally ill, frat boys, and homosexuals

Hey buddy let's go get a 30 pack of piss and have sex tonight.

by smalldick96 April 5, 2016


R kelly's favorite drink.

"its amazing, like fucking children" - R Kelly

i love being pissed on- Lana Rhoades

by Unknown5908 August 8, 2022


it’s a yellow or clear liquid (depending on the amount of water you drank) and uh some people drink their own piss so uh yeah

omg did he just piss

Peepeepoopoo piss”

by yesyesyesyessiree June 15, 2021



i just pissed my pants

by mfkjrjngjjrjt October 4, 2023


pee xoxox

person 1: piss person 2: pee xoxoxo

by hi xo December 4, 2020


also called urine, pee, and many other things, piss is the hot liquid that squirts out of your genitals when needed. usually, “pissing” is acted upon when someone needs to release the piss from out of their body. piss can range from many different colors from yellow-orange, clear, green, or cloudy.

Sally: yo, when I was in the bathroom, I heard Kylie piss so loud when she was crying. Must’ve been a bad breakup after a night out.

John: lol

by puckky! April 3, 2021


a luxurious and expensive substance, seen as a delicacy in many countries.

"dude can you clean up all this piss? i know you where the one to piss here. fuck thats it, be out by saturday or ill call the cops, ill get your stuff."

by Yeetybois69 September 15, 2023