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double tongue spreading cheeks roast beef sucking titty fucking ham flapping carpet munching labia vacuum seal 4000

when u a lebian and yo girl give you the head. the BEST head imaginable in the cosmos

damn, my girl really gave me the

double tongue spreading cheeks roast beef sucking titty fucking ham flapping carpet munching labia vacuum seal 4000

last night!

by beeflover42069 December 12, 2023

double tongue spreading cheeks roast beef sucking titty fucking ham flapping carpet munching labia vacuum seal 4000

when u a lebian and yo girl give you the head. the BEST head imaginable in the cosmos

damn, my girl really gave me the

double tongue spreading cheeks roast beef sucking titty fucking ham flapping carpet munching labia vacuum seal 4000

last night!

by beeflover42069 December 12, 2023

sucking the old pan handle

Sucking a cock, while continually jacking it off with one or two hands and waiting for the gravy

Sally the local slapper sure does love sucking the old pan handle, before catching all the gravy.

by pan handel sucker January 12, 2018

you suck fat ass

when someone is fat and they suck you cll them you suck fat ass.

Hey fatty! you suck fat ass.

by random namer May 1, 2016

Suck it till you cum it

Suck it till you cum it. A word that defines all sigma in one lump sum.

Meaningless word that sums up a thousand sentences to enhance your dominance. Use it at all cost

Yo yes bro you seen that lenger over there she neeeee to suck it till you cum it🤪

yes pretty lady want to suck it till you cum it darling

by report2 October 31, 2023

Toad suck

When you suck the life force out of the classic children's book Frog and Toad, and it makes you more powerful than even Thanos himself

I will commit toad suck and become the all father of the entire universe

by Romoboi May 31, 2019

suck my fiddle

the act of sucking ones fiddle (otherwise known as a penis)

ay bro shut up! suck my fiddle!

by jakeyboy123 April 10, 2010