All internet discussions regarding video cards or GPUs, given enough time, will decay into a discussion regarding digital currency mining.
Term comes from the user VirtualLarry at the Anandtech GPU forums, and ardent defender of mining digital currency using GPUs. GPU topics involving VirtualLarry would all invariably invite or devolve into discussions about digital currency mining.
"I know this topic is about the performance of the 6600XT, but I have to say that given the cards are out of stock due to miners buying them all up..."
"Ah man, this topic got Larry's Lawed!"
People fall into one of two groups, those who would have sex with a skitty for $10,000, or those who would pay $10,000 to have sex with a skitty.
Skitty's law at play, i know where you'd sit
Spouse's great-grandnibling's wife.
My great-grandniece-by-marriage-in-law is a good person.
The answer to any news article title with a question mark is no
A: So, I just saw this article titled"Does lemon juice cure cancer ?"
B: No, Gudrun's law
Negroe’s law, short for Negroe’s law (or rule) of the whiteman analogies, is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a niggas talking about the white man or white supremacy approaches 100%.
"Black men don’t look after their kids."
"It’s not our fault, the white man made black women replace us with the government”
“How did we end up talking about the white man again?”
“Negroe’s law…”