A half blooded Mexican, considered not to be Hispanic because of manerisms and family traits
" Oh Juan ain't really Hispanic, he's a poor mans Mexican"
To be involved in a threesome that involves two white women when your Mexican.
Dude did you see Pedro leave the bar with those two fat white chicks last night?
Yeah dude! He for sure made a Mexican chorizo sandwich!!
Mexican Olympics-
If someone ever tells you that "you pulled off the Mexican Olympics";
Its another way of saying that you beat the Devil at his own game.
The Mexican Olympics is the most extreme sport of survival there is, it puts the gameshow "Survivor" to shame.
Starting out inside Mexico, the Mexican Olympics begin as soon as you cross the border into United States of America by any means necessary.
Crossing the border is not the hard part, it's staying inside America by avoiding detection is the hard part.
Strategies include gambling, obtaining fake ID's, and moving to a different address and possibly a different state every year to avoid getting shot or detected by I.C.E. and/or Border Patrol.
To win the Gold in the Mexican Olympics, please enlist in the military with a pseudo identification, fake identification or someone else's identification.
By serving in the military it is a great way to earn American citizenship,if caught, stay silent.
If you are suspected as a spy, it's not the end of the world, you can become "doubled" or a double agent. Always claim you are a persecuted minority in your home country.
Being classified as "White" sure does help alot in avoid detection and deportation. If so always claim as an "Albino" or "Al-Beano"if you speak any foreign language other than English.
Person 1-"You pulled off the Mexican Olympics!"
Person 2-"You been in this country for so long that we don't have any identification of you."
Person 3-" The guy even has the Medal Of Honor by giving enough information to kill Osama Bin Laden during his brief military service."
Person 4- "We know you are not speaking Spanish when you speak but it sure helps you being around Spanish Speakers and act like you having a conversation together, good job on learning English fast."
Person 5-"You actually deserve to be an American Citizen."
Got horny and bored and decided to use my chihuahua as a Mexican sex doll
When a white female sucks a Mexicans dick
Last night we heard Mary sucked David's dick
also known as Mexican blow fish
A finger going up the ass is known as a Mexican elevator
My husband likes to give me a Mexican elevator when he’s feeling frisky
A Mexican man that is extremely horny. This is a person that sends the same 3 images daily and expects everyone to laugh at them after the 100,000 thousandth time. He is also known to have a dick the size of an atom.
No way! I wasn't expecting my girlfriend to be The Mexican Jacob!