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a luxurious and expensive substance, seen as a delicacy in many countries.

"dude can you clean up all this piss? i know you where the one to piss here. fuck thats it, be out by saturday or ill call the cops, ill get your stuff."

by Yeetybois69 September 15, 2023


An acronym for "Play It Safe, Stupid."

She wanted me to ride bareback, but I insisted on the PISS method and wore a rubber.

by Stratelejazzuar June 2, 2011


golden liquid that can come out of your... uuh... thingy... and is edible but not recommended but there are things that make it safe to drink. and should be flushed down the toilet

Me: yo, dude i gotta piss
Person: k bathrooms upstairs to the right

by EddieBready July 29, 2020


A vulgar way of saying pee.

Bob: I just pissed my pants bro!

by KingOfPotatoes May 9, 2016


Synonym of shit, it’s less vulgar and can be used around your parents ;)

-Oh piss, My man looking cozy as fuck in those new Ralphs.

by A Pretty Motherfucker June 24, 2019


Something that tfue drinks.

Guy 1: what ya drinking tfue
Tfue: just some piss

by Bigboio February 13, 2019


Something that tfue drinks.

Guy 1: what ya drinking tfue
Tfue: just some piss

by Bigboio February 13, 2019