Source Code

Mexican Check valve

A tiny little turd holding back What seems like 10 gallons of fart

I had to get to the shitter before that Mexican check valve went through my pants

by Fucko October 27, 2021

Mexican Hatman

A Mexican Hatman is when you drop a sleeve of Benadryl into a 4 loko and then shotgun it.

Ice T: "It's big with the kids lately. They drop a sleeve of Benadryl into a 4 loko and then shotgun it. The call it a 'Mexican Hatman'.

by brba87104 February 11, 2025

mexican merge

When a car entering traffic expects all the traffic to accommodate them by either slowing down or moving lanes, instead of them gaining speed to match the traffic.

I was going down the highway in the right lane and this idiot coming down the on ramp was doing a mexican merge at 40 mph, and I had to slam on my brakes to let him over or we would've hit.

by solarecreator July 30, 2014

Mexican Golf Clap

In a Golf Foursome, one player is teeing off and the three other players go behind the tee-box and pull down there pants to moon, while smacking there ass with hands creating a clap after the player has hit the ball. The unsuspecting player turns around thinking it's an applause to only see butt cheeks mooning him/her.

My friend was driving from the tee-box while three others were performing a Mexican Golf Clap.

by mhawke69 July 27, 2015

Mexican shmeat meat

To be Mexican and have a small penis

Noe has a Mexican shmeat meat

by Sarakarenjanicegabby May 7, 2017

Mexican Snow Dive

Jumping out of a hottub, rolling around in the snow, then back into hottub.


by December 31, 2024

Mexican methhead

A Mexican on meth that is in public

“Look at that Mexican in the corner
Retarded Mexican methhead”

by ASSEater739 December 16, 2019