He committed/protected/provided for a women that doesn't not respect him, the relationship or reciprocated that same level of effort in terms sexual exclusivity. This beta Simp is a Will Smith.
A man who puts a woman before their friends, even though the woman doesn't give a shit about him.
This word is also used by butthurt 10 year olds whenever they see a couple together and see a man being respectful towards a woman, even if the woman respects him back. That definition of the word is wrong.
If you're gonna use a word, use it right.
Jeremy's putting himself down to please Anna. What a simp.
someone who loves someone, but way too much
Hey, he likes that girl toooooo mucch.
He's a simp.
someome who listens to sad songs and cries constantly over someone they can't be with.
damn, he really do be simpin doe'
i be simpin