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Some person (usually a guy) who donates a shitload of money to a female streamer (usually twitch) just to say their name and acknowledge their existence. like WHY WOULD YOU WASTE SO MUCH MONEY.

Person 1: * donates 3k to poki
Person 2: SIMP

by Kasprin June 30, 2023


A simp is a person who is too emotional , usually over a significant other. They tend to post a lot of sad memes or listen to a lot of sad music because of their sad feelings towards the other person . It can also be used as a joking term to describe how you are sentimental about someone else.

When someone is “simping” they’re just basking in their feelings.

by just another simp March 21, 2020



You are a simp

by Buffaloblazer February 24, 2020


Someone who watches the Simpsons

The Simpsons became a popular show that a lot of people became 'simps'

by KarateJoe9000 October 3, 2021



Lee do be simping for a turtle

by Killrkay September 5, 2020



charlie is a simp

by charlieisasimp March 1, 2020


The original term SIMP comes from Philly and it is a term used by philly Born & Raised natives towards non-natives Who Claim they are from PHILLY the word SIMP is an acronym "STOP.IMPERSONATING.PHILLY"

Ayo Bull a SIMP Fuk Outta DH

by GLOREALA December 3, 2023