Source Code


Tampa Bay Devil Rays motto during the 2008 season
9 players playing for 9 innings every
game = Being one of the 8 teams in the playoffs at the end of the year

Manager Joe Maddon also said that he wanted 9 more wins from his batting, 9 from defense, 9 from pitching in 2008

Guy 1-I wonder why the rays went from worst to first in a year

Guy 2- Well maybe that equation 9=8 had something to do with it

by Mr. Sillybear the 3rd October 22, 2008

21πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Item 9


Item 9: ILLEGAL!

by Archerbot July 13, 2009

94πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

March 9

Where the most biesxuel bitch was born;)

Person 1: hey bro it's March 9 you know what that meansπŸ˜ƒ

Person 2: it's BIESXUEL day bitches

by Imaalien;) November 3, 2019

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

October 9

National send a booty pic day!

On October 9 I get a free booty pic!

by Wavyfrye October 9, 2020

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A 9-Able man is a man capable of maintaining long-term relationships with 9/10 women in attractiveness. Top-tier women in their peak years (18-22) most often choose to settle down with 30-35 year old average guys who a) own property b) compliment her a lot and make her feel good c) clearly won't ever have any better option than her d) don't challenge her or make her feel bad and e) is much older than her. 9-10 level women are not very looks-oriented with men, and many of them have already "tasted" the most attractive men and want superior qualities so they usually settle for the beta described above. This is frustrating news for the "alpha males get all the pussy" crowd, but should actually be good news for them: there's no reason to fear these niggardly 30-something betas standing in the way of the hotties.

Guy 1: What’s up with that very average 32-year-old guy with the 9/10 smokin’ hot bwoad with the sweater yams bustin’ out of her cardigan?
Guy 2: Don’t sweat it. That beta is totally 9-Able!

Guy 1: Good point! Don’t forget that alpha males make up less than 5% of the male population, so such a cutey will almost always date betas if only due to the alpha scarcity.

by Eric Kazinsky September 3, 2015

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Po 9

Police; Cops

Shit, drop your weed, son! That's the Po9!

by Anonymous February 11, 2003

158πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž


9/11 was a tragic, horrible day. September 11th, 2001.

For all of you who say "America had it coming to them". You are disgusting excuses for human beings. When does an innocent person ever deserve to die? It's fair to hate the U.S., and their government. You can even be narrow-minded enough to say you hate all Americans. But showing joy when 3,000 were unrightfully murdered is just sickening.

September 11th was a tragedy because INNOCENT people died, punished for their government's idiocy. Much like the 7 July bombings in London, or Madrid's. Innocent people NEVER deserve to die, no matter what country they are from.

You people truly make me sick. You're disgusting.

9/11 was a tragedy, and anyone who says otherwise is a revolting human being who should be ashamed of themselves for taking pride in the deaths of others.

by Daniellaxxx July 7, 2006

2971πŸ‘ 1385πŸ‘Ž