When you try to type all the symbols on the keyboard but mess up and hit enter.
Yo I accidentally typed "1234567890=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'"
only very boring and bored people write this SOOO BORING
dude im so bored let me just `1234567890-=qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;'#\zxcvbnm,./
From your boredom, you decided to search your whole keyboard into the Google Search...
Congratulations. You have achieved ABSOLUTELY NOTHING at all. You have typed the WHOLE KEYBOARD including the SHIFT.
I'm bored. I'll just do "`1234567890-=/*-qwertyuiop\789+asdfghjkl;'456+zxcvbnm,./123!@#$%^&*()_+/*-QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?"
very very very bored in school is when you type this Have a good day from a kid at bhmschools
1234567890-=!@#$%^&*()_+qwertyuiop\{}|asdfghjkl;':"zxcvbnm,./<>? is not used in any way
When, starting from tilda, you run your finger along all the keys on a qwerty keyboard with a numpad, you get this result.
im bored, so ill just google `1234567890-/*-qwertyuiop\+ASDFGHJKL;’+ZXCVBNM,./ because it's more interesting than this.
This is what happens to a dumb idiot's keyboard when they're bored. i bet your keyboard wishes it was dead. I do understand the first part, but the last part? What the actual fuck
"Yo `1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?hyudeyhfuehdui3ehudheiufheufhyefgeyifgryihfuirhfuirhguirhugihrughrgiurhugi is my username."
When somebody reaches a level of boredom so unfathomably, immeasurably, and extraordinarily high, this, on a very rare occasion, will be typed into the search bar of some poor soul's computer. You’ll know when you’ve typed it.
Strange floating mask thing: "You must finish your work, Carl."
Carl: Ok
*types "`1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,.//.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321``1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-'=\\='-/;p0.lo9,ki8mju7nhy6bgt5vfr4cde3xsw2zaq1``24680=wryipsfhk;zcbm."*
Everybody: *dies*
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