Ronny is a name for german male singers who existed in 1930-1970's,they are pretty much a hippie looking narkoman sterotype people,who travels in trains and sings shitty American folk songs for poor people.
+:Dude that singer died in 2011. Wow...
-:Ugh.. He was such a Ronny... I'm glad he died
Ronny is the most crazy motherfucker, better than any Max you‘ll ever meet. His cock the biggest you‘ll ever suck ladies.
everyday is bully ronnie day
person 1: "its bully ronnie day"
A being of immense cosmic power, prophesied by the Sooths of Yorkshire to save the world from great calamity.
Unfortunately, after the last descendant of the Sooths was killed by a rogue chupacabra in the late 19th century the legend has largely been lost to time.
"Do you know who I am?"
"I'm Ronnie Pickering!"
"Who the f**k's that"
The moniker given a man who intentionally wears the jersey of a team not participating in the game he is attending. The man is often accompanied by his lady friend, Wrong Game Rhonda.
I saw Wrong Game Ronnie in the beer line wearing his Kentucky jersey even though this is the Louisville-Clemson game. His girlfriend Wrong Game Rhonda was with him.