The art of getting a blow job where the girl goes all the way down and blows out like a whales blowhole releasing air and saliva.
My girlfriend was sucking my dick blew so hard she gave me an orca bj
International blowjob day. Your wife/girlfriend has to give you head at every opportunity all day, even in the car.
Hey babe did you know its BJ 20july today?
Really? Take off your pants let me give you head
The day after St. Patrick's Day is the Irish version of Steak and BJ Day, only salmon is the dish of choice rather than steak.
I can't get too drunk on green beer tonight, tomorrow is Salmon and BJ Day and I'd like to enjoy it.
December 9th
You just have to go on ur knees and suck on it till he Cums
Hey it’s December 9th
You have to give me a bj till I cum it’s National
Okay I’m on my way baby
It’s National Give Boyfriend A Bj just do it
A blow job you get ONLY whilst going down the slide with the person who is giving the blow job and vice versa.
Guy 1: Man, I got the best sloopy BJ last night!
Guy 2: I’ll have to try that with Jennifer next time we’re drunk out at the playground.
"A BJ" (noun):
Abbreviation for "Aggie Beaver-Jones," the standout England and Chelsea women's football player.
Nothing would make happier than a good A BJ performance in tonight’s game.