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A hoe is someone who sleeps around with lots of people. Having sex with say 3 people in your whole life doesn’t make you one! Sharing your body around to anyone and everyone makes you one.

Ashley is such a hoe she’s had sex 4 times today

by laurenpailetly June 17, 2019

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A person (primarily in middle school or highschool) who goes through guys like tissues, wears skimpy clothes for attention, and makes an effort to wear push-up bras and arch her back when taking photos.

Did you see Janes new insta post? What a hoe.

by LongLeggedLegend November 26, 2017

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slut, whore.

male, female, other.

names associated:
JASON, Jasmine, Jared, JULIE, Henry

p1. Did you see Jason today?
p2. Ew don't even. Hes such a hoe

by truther7273639282:7282 May 24, 2016

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A tool used for farming, however beware the misinterperetation that could ensue should you use this out of very specific context.

Some guy: Hey, let’s craft a hoe!
Other guy: WTF you be saying?
Some guy: Sigh...

by warrobotsalt February 23, 2018

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Some girl called Rebecca

God, that Rebecca girl is such a hoe

by Maxim2693 August 29, 2016

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Not the most common use of the word, being a derogatory word for a female that has sex with a great number of people.

Hoe is another way to call another man a bitch ass nigga / someone who is soft as baby asses / a nigga that just ain't shit.

Guy 1: Yo I heard you slapped that nigga Vinny up and he just took that shit

Guy 2: Yeah. He a hoe. Fo rizzeal.

by iHateJimbo December 9, 2013

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liv fucking thoms

has both her side niggas as her lock and home screen ... what a hoe

by hay768901 May 23, 2018

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