A person who doesn't say "Bless you" or "Gesundheit" after hearing someone else sneeze and anyone who ignores or prefers not to receive such a response after sneezing.
Greg cringes at work after sneezing when the chorus of "bless you", "bless you" rolls in. He sneezes a couple of times most mornings in his process of waking up after getting to work. He finds his coworkers annoying in their ritual and has become a "Sneeze Atheist".
People who say that they are the minority yet if you say your a Christian they treat you so horribly and become so irrational of reason that they themselves become the very thing they despise. Internet Atheism is like a westboro baptist church, they believe that if you believe in god, than you should be oppressed and exterminated until the religous person, usually Christian, only has the few cubic centimeters in his skull to think freely. These are the scum, they hate Christians because they think that they are mass murderers, let alone do they realize all the atrocities commited in the name of atheism I.E. Soviet Union, China. They think they are intellectually enlightened because there fat little shits that want to feel special.
Internet Atheist are just as militant as islamic extremist
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Users of the internet that are known for their Militant Atheism. Usually commenters on Youtube and /atheist/ Reddit, Internet Atheists will attack virtually anything related to religion. Hilariously enough, they are generally just as dogmatic as the religious.
Internet Atheists cannot come to terms with the fact that the claim of the nonexistence of deities is a belief. Instead, Internet Atheists claim that atheism is a lack of belief (which is actually agnosticism). Basically, Internet Atheism are the idiots among atheists.
Internet Atheists are basically an embarrassing piss stain to intelligent atheists.
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Angry atheist who trolls internet sites denouncing God, Christians and religion; Atheist internet troll who demonstrates a basic ignorance of reason; Atheist internet troll who is ignorant of science and logic while claiming strong adherence to the same; Atheist who contradicts themselves through poor reasoning, especially one who exhibits hypocrisy.
Rational people understand that the claim "There are no absolutes" is a self-defeating statement. Internet atheists? Not so much.
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Similar to a fundie christian, but instead of being a bible thumper who has a belief in God, is an atheist thumper who forces everyone around him/her to believe that God/Jesus/Satan/Heaven/Hell does not exist like he/she does, and that anyone who doesn't agree with his/her strict world view is comparable to a mentally challenged or psycholigically unbalanced person.
Fundie Atheist: Where are you going?
Christian: I'm going to church.
Fundie Atheist: Oh, going to listen to people preach how gays are evil, and that science is witchcraft?
Christian: No, I'm going to listen to people preach on how to be a kinder, more compassionate person, sing some lovely hymns, clap along, and then help with the charity drive for homeless people in third world countries.
Fundie Atheist: Open your eyes! God ain't real! It's all a crock of crap! Fairytales! It's a cult! Church teaches people nothing except how to hate and hurt others different from them!
Christian: Actually some of our congregation members are gay, and our charity drives are for helping people in need.
Fundie Atheist: You're still hurting people!
Christian: *rolls eyes* Look, believe or disbelieve whatever you want ok? But don't force your own world view down my throat ok? If you want to come and see for yourself, you are most welcome. Otherwise don't get on my case, please? Good day.
Fundie Atheist: Cult follower!
Christian: Get a life and a therapist, wacko.
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A term in which an andividual is an atheist except in life threating scenarios.
Has the same definition as "There are no atheists in foxholes"
Is the belief that one that is usually not religious, will in extreme fear pray or hope for a higher being to look over them.
While in flight the plane has extreme turbulence, one that normally does not believe in God will pray for their life.
They would be considered an Airport Atheist.
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A person who holds the view that the existence of a deity cannot be proven nor disproven, but personally leans towards the idea of there not being one. In this case, agnostic is an adjective. "Atheist" has to do with belief, and "agnostic" has to do with knowledge. Two completely different animals, but can be applied to each other. Basically, a person who doesn't know and doesn't believe.
Guy: So what are your religious views?
Agnostic atheist: I'm an agnostic.
Guy: So you're just a pussy atheist?
Agnostic atheist: No, you idiot. I'm an atheist, too. I'm an atheistic agnostic, or an agnostic atheist.
Guy: Huh??
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