Leap frog is a sexual Orgy act in which a group of participants form a line and crouch down on all fours. The Person at the back of the line then proceeds to engage in anal and/or vaginal penetration*** with the person in front of them. He continues to engage in sex with each leap-frogger in succession until he reaches the front of the line. At which point the person who is at the back of the line will repeat the process.
*** penetration may be achieved with any of the following:
Penis, Finger, Tongue, Dildo or any variation thereof, glass bottles, baseball bats, and vegetables.
Drew Barrymore, Ryan, and Nick were bored and decided to play a game of leap frog. This was their order: Drew Barrymore at the front, and Nick was in back, leaving Ryan in the middle.
Nick fucked Ryan, Jumped Over Ryan, Fucked Drew Barrymore, and jumped over Drew Barrymore. Then Ryan Fucked Drew Barrymore, jumped over Drew Barrymore, Fucked Nick, and jumped over nick. Drew Barrymore Fucked nick with her finger, Jumped over nick, fucked Ryan with a baseball bat, and jumper over Ryan.
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βFrogβ is a reference to the low-rider vehicles that jump up and down with hydraulics
I'ma hop in the frog and go to the club
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Also known as "Mom butt," the phenomenon that occurs when the bottom of the ass is flat and the top is wider, like a heart. This is most often attributed to lack of definition caused by a hard life, meth use or over use of stimulants such as caffeine, nicotine and diet pills. Lee or Chic Jeans can intensify this effect. Can be seen at Southern rock concerts.
Yo that chick at the Molly Hatchet show had a mad frog butt.
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The most deadliest come back to the famous meme "Your Mom GAE"
Caleb:Your granny tranny
Kyle: Your gramp tramp
Caleb:I'm sorry but you have insulted my to my boiling point and now I'm afraid I have to use a forbidden phrase upon you
Kyle:Do it pussy
Caleb:Your sister a mister
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During intercourse, the man stands up and lifts his partner onto his quivering member. The female procedes to wrap her legs around his body( they are face to face). The man violently moves his lady up and down, creating an infant to mother chimpaneze relationship. Very primative.
Tyler's arms were very tired after he performed the african frog with the very seductive hooker named Jennie.
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Frog-whistle politics is political messaging employing coded memes that appears to mean one thing to normies and the (((media))) but has an additional, different or more specific resonance to the alt right.
Goy1: "Did you see Wendy's tweet that pepe meme?"
Goy2: "Yea, it was a frog whistle, straight up. And we need to embrace them for it."
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James - "Did you check out that girl at the bar?"
Michael- "Yeah! She was a right box of frogs!"
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