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Mexican Beaner

1. A young boy with a highly generic Spanish name. Usually these include Juan, Jose, Rafael... Etc
2. Someone who has extremely poor English and grammar skills due to his cultural background.
3. Someone most likely to be deported when Trump becomes president in 2016.

4. Has an extreme reliance on drugs and alcohol, usually cannot support his family because the money goes right back into his addiction

Mexican Beaner in real life.
Person A: Yo, you know where I can get some shrooms on the low?
Person B: Yeah I got a guy, name is Juan. Learn to speak a bit or two in Spanish because the guy is a beaner, and maybe he'll cut you a low price.

by StraightUpFuckboi October 19, 2015

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pourch beaner

1. A person who is a mix between Mexican and Black.

Person 1. "Hey, what are you black or mexican?
Person 2. "I am both...STUPID...I am a Pourch Beaner.

by Jack West January 9, 2010

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master beaner

The ring leader or boss beaner in a group of mexicans. Typically the only one that can speak both English and Spanish. The master beaner typically translates to all the others so they know what to do.

These motel rooms are a mess - somebody get me that master beaner Consuela!

Consuela tell all these lazy Mexicans I want these rooms spotless!

by !BlackDeath2! June 25, 2012

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beaner express

A beaner express is when multiple Mexicans are put on the deportation bus and sent off to Mexico

Hey Ben theirs a beaner express leaving, let’s spit at them

by Timmy’s 3rd testical March 1, 2018

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nilla beaner

1. A person of white & Mexican descent.

2. A person of Mexican descent that looks white.

-Did u just call that guy a 'nilla beaner'?
-He's got blond hair & blue eyes, & his dad's Mexican.
-Oh. Ha ha, that's funny

by El Jefe Stew September 14, 2009

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Jelly Beaner

1.A gay mexican
2.A fat mexican

Look at that jelly beaner over there. O-shit I think he heard me.

by Mr. Itt January 31, 2009

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Friends with Beaner fits

Friends who are known for constantly bitching about the onslaught of illegals from Mexico.

Oh shit, here comes Larry. He's one of my friends with beaner fits so we are sure to get a forty five minute lecture about too many Mexicans in the United States.

by trishamallen December 25, 2010

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