A compliment to anyone hungry for validation, praise, or boost to one's sense of self-worth.
That A the professor gave was a major ego biscuit.
N. 1. Moronic individual who derives auto-erotic pleasure from stanky cheddar infused biscuits, but is too cheap-ass to actually buy them, and so bogarts them off of another...
N 2. A person of exceptionally low intelligence, who derives simple minded pleasure from contemplating a basket of stanky biscuits...
1. That freakin biscuit wanker was standing outside the window of the restaurant trying to get him some cheddar.
2. I tell my lil biscuit wanker that he's "special," not a dumbass-- that would hurt his self-esteem.
1) A person using too many filters on their pictures, to the point they don't even look like themselves in real life.
2) A polite way of calling someone real life ugly.
Damn, I she doesn't look anything like her online pictures. She's definitely a filter biscuit.
Farting into your cupped hand and then quickly placing it over your friends mouth and nose. You can also blow it from your hand onto their face like blowing a kiss.
Carl just gave me the best floating biscuit, it came out nowhere.
the result of mixing talcum powder and body sweat, usually located under armpits, breasts, or crotch region.
It was so hot outside today, when I got home, a dozen grundle biscuits fell out of my panty hose.
To take a dump. (to poop)
I'll be right back, I have to go drop a biscuit.
A medical condition where the subject is highly prone to injury in even the lightest of physical activities. This is probably due to having bones that are brittle like biscuits; hence the term.
Person 1 : How did Rick dislocate his shoulder?
Person 2: He did it whilst sleeping; he's got proper biscuit bones.