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She is medium hight and is very nice but very weird, but she has trauma and has a lot of pets she has too many. She is nice but is also a player

Omg Christina has too many pets and is a player

by Is a person February 8, 2023


The bestest buddy you can ever have! although she can be a CUNT sometimes, shes rich and will give you money, and buy you candy, so just stick around for that cash money :)

I hate her, but the Christina will pay for my meal so I'll go I guess ....

by PURPLETIP May 23, 2019


Christina, one of the most ugliest and disgusting girl I have ever seen. She picks her nose and eats it, plays with it, puts it on other people. She touches other people without their consent, she ruins other people's work by offering to help them, she tries to touch other's personal belongings, she drinks from other people's water bottles without their consent, she mis-genders others and she masterbates in class to BTS. Honestly, Christina can go die in a fucking hole and everyone would celebrate. Christina if you are reading this...please kill yourself for the betterment of others. AND ALSO PLEASE STOP COMING TO SIT NEXT TO ME AND MY FRIENDS, IT IS SO OBVIOUS THAT WE HATE YOU THEN WHY DO YOU COME TO US. Christina has no tact, she has extremely frizzy hair, pimples everywhere, annoying voice, dry-ass skin which is dryer than the Sahara desert, she is fat and waddles slowly like deformed penguin whenever she walks. To summarise, Christina has no friends, everyone hates her, she smells, probably cries in the toilet, fugliest motherfucking whore alive. Suck it up bitch, you made hell for yourself, think before you dumb and useless actions

What do you find a clean nose?


Girl: Bro did you see Christina today?
GIrl 2: OMG yes! She is so ew
Girl3: Girl, she touched my hair *Gag noise*
Boy1: I heard she has a crush on me
Girl4: EWWWWWW, poor soul
Girl 5: She masterbated in class to that k-pop boy group BTS
The person who wrote this definition: I fucking hate Christina

Everyone: Christina can go die in a whole, the Earth would feel much more cleaner

by @wheezinghyenamfbitch_251108 August 30, 2023


Christina displays narcissistic tendencies and does a lot behind the scenes. She's not strong like she likes to think she is, she's just manipulative and sneaky. Once you see it, you won't be able to unsee it.

Christina gets away with a lot, but one day she wont.

by Immafunnyguy September 13, 2023


Christina is really weird, she sings out of nowhere and it's creepy. Whenever she has a crush on a guy, she will pretend she likes whatever her crush likes. She is really self-conceited and doesn't like washing dishes or chores. She yells for no reason but is really pretty so it balances it out. She only likes white preppy guys not being racist. Really smart and has a bit of a heart.

Boy 1: omg, have you seen the new girl?

Boy 2: yes, I think her name is Christina. She is really weird but pretty. I wanna get to know her

Boy 1: no man, she's mine

by Idontcareblahblah February 21, 2022


Falling off the ledge and dying in a video game

I Pulled a Christina and died in Fornite while fighting a team

by viing June 30, 2023


Granola Girl

Christina is always hiking! She is such a groups girl

by Khristina September 29, 2021