Daniel is a someone you would mistake as a shy, quiet, boring person. But once you get to know him he's hilarious as f**k and will make you laugh your ass off at least 3x a day.
An individual who shows a passionate love for all things, especially history.
David: "Yo, see that guy reading a history book?"
Jack: "Yeah?"
David: "Dude, he's such a Daniel."
daniel is a person who you will never forget. you can go on and on talking with them for hours without feeling bored. They’re a person who’ll treat the person they love with the most respect and show their love without you asking. never let go of a daniel, they’re funny and will make you laugh for hours, but sometimes they’re very sensitive so you’ll have to watch what you say around them. i had a daniel in my life and lost him so don’t make the the same mistake i did :) cherish them while they’re still in your life .
*5 years later with no communication*
daniel- DAB ME UP
sarah- 😐🤝
Daniel will send you the sweetest text messages for you and you only. He is kind, funny, sweet, handsome, caring, honest and loveable. He will make you smile and laugh when you are feeling upset. Daniel is a sweet guy and will always be there for you. He cares for you and he helps when need it. Daniel is the only guy who will make you feel special....
Girl 1: Daniel is a cute guy...
Girl 2: He's in my Math class
Girl 1: Do you think he has a girlfriend?
Me: Yeah he does, ME!
The most love able guy you’ll ever meet. When you lay eyes on a Daniel his handsomeness and amazing body completely compels you. Not just his looks are amazing his personality and intelligence is the best part! He so childish but is very mature when needed. He always wants to make you laugh and make you happy when it comes to him and his relationship. When a Daniel is in love with you it’s just you no one else but you. He always wants to have fun. Great in every subject it’s like he’s never dumb when it comes to school. Daniel is an amazing boyfriend and friend. When you have a Daniel keep him and enjoy the fun ride.
Daniel is always there for me.
daniel is a boy that you will fall in love with the second you see him. daniel makes you feel like you're protected and safe. and daniels give best hugs. daniel is the finest and cutest boy you will ever meet.
omg did you see that boy, i bet he's a daniel.
Daniel is hot af. Everyone loves him and he is irresistible. He has an amazing voice, can sing very well, and loves his friends and family. He has an obsession with Selena Gomez. If u don’t love Daniel ur prolly retarded af. Nobody can not like a Daniel.
Daniel is hot af, Selena Gomez is so lucky, I wish I had me a Daniel.
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