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Dig me now

Get where I'm coming from.

Her: I didn't think you had any taste until I saw your Benz.
Him: Can you dig me now?

by Digmenow July 10, 2009

1034πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

Dig a hole in the sand

Every young male beach goer needs to know this! When looking at attractive females in bikinis sometimes you get a half chub. Sometimes a raging chub if you haven't recently cranked one out. The trick is you lay stomach down and dig a trench for your Johnson. This will effectively conceal your erection at the beach.

Male 1: "Hey bro, look at these fine as bitties in their bikinis! Its giving me rigor mortis in my pecker."

Male 2: "I'm gonna dig a hole in the sand haha."

Male 1: "Shit thats a good idea! Imma do the same."

by M_Dubz152 June 8, 2023

Digging straight down

A death wish.

Person 1: Let’s find a cave.
Person 2: Nah bro I’m digging straight down to bedrock.
Person 1: I didn’t know you were suicidal.

by Dr. Aygarra Long Chodeman August 8, 2019

21πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

I can dig it

This has multiple meanings. It can mean any of the following:

1. I understand.
2. I agree.
3. Wow! That's awesome.
4. I would have no problem doing that/dealing with that.
5. Im down with it.

And even much more. Its like jawn. Maaaany meanings!

"Do you want to go to the movies later? Im tryna see Transformers."

"I can dig it!"

"Stay away from him, he's crazy."
"Yeah but I can dig it. Its cool."

by MelNel272 January 28, 2012

211πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Gold-digging whore

A horrid hag who cares about nothing but sleeping with guys in an effort to take their money. They will marry a man, suck him dry, then divorce him. They will also steal from friends and family.

My sister-in law is a gold-digging whore

by sarabellum February 24, 2010

47πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A derogatory term for cigarette-smoking. A carton of cigarettes would be referred to as a shovel", a pack would be referred to as a "spade", what's your digging preference?

Bro I got a 6 pack and a spade I'm fixing to start Grave-Digging

by El Casanova February 26, 2011

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

can you dig it

"Do you understand?" or "Do you comprehend".

The general usage of the term DIG as an indicator of understanding "do you dig" / "dig me" (as in "do you understand") comes from non-English speaking Irish immigrants in the USA speaking Irish to each other.

"An dtuigeann tΓΊ?" (pronounced "On digging two") means "Do you understand?".

Also used in a short form "dig it", "dig me" etc.

Used in the 50's by the beatniks, the 60s and 70s saw it enter into the AAVE lexicon, the used of the term was widely popularised in blacksploitation movies such as Shaft, and later movies such as "The Warriors".

Lets not go there, the music sucks and the people are assholes. Way better craic in the old bars, can you dig it?

"You dig it"
"Pretty cool music man, like, look at Stacy... she digs it!"

by IrishGuyInCrazyWorld July 4, 2017

38πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž