Source Code

Doggy Style

Punk Rock band
Orange County Calif

Work As One
Side By Side

How Are you gonna do it?
Do it doggy style!

by X June 30, 2004

34๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

doggy style

to have hot passionate sex up the ass

did you really go doggy style with John?

by paige!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! March 31, 2005

41๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soggy Doggy

When you grab a long ass towel and drench it in the toilet, wrap in up, and slap someone in the back really fucking hard

Jack:* Puts towel in the toilet and wraps it up*
Timothy: Fuck Jack dont hit me with the soggy doggy

by nutterinherbutter February 13, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

discharge doggy

a white person whoโ€™s stupid

poc ppl: ugh i hate discharge doggyโ€™s

by stevelacysgirlfriend November 28, 2021

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1.) a snake(someone who ganks your stuff). 2.) a sloppy diry person. 3.) A loser/conartist.

Someone who takes your stuff(money, clothing, ect.) and lies to your face when you confront them about doing these things when you know they did it. A Hell-doggy also doesnt have a heart.

by K-town hustla March 22, 2008

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skank doggy

Skank Doggy is a feeling of serenity. From the African 'Ska' in "I ska today sure is" and with the American 'Doggy' added to taylor it to Hip Hoppery speak.

"You sure is Skank Doggy today princess".

by philis stevens July 3, 2006

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doggy bonus

A guy with an erection

John pulled out a full on doggy bonus!

by Minges and all! April 15, 2003

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