1. An increasingly and unbearably slow speed of thought, as a result of a witty criticism so intense said victim is left speechless.
2. A "so's your face" moment.
"Sally totally had a dusty brian when Oliver told her she punched like a little girl."
When your girl takes a shit and doesn't wipe and you give her a good ol rimmer in an hour.
Brad gave Chad a dusty plumber .
Doing the dirty but you are old.
Damn I was workin last night bringing these old folk their meds and they were doing the dusty.
When in coitous, one partner flatulates directly onto the man's scrotum. Can be hetero or homosexual.
I gave my boyfriend a dusty teabag but he just kept pounding me
Dusty Cooch is a vagina which serves as an ashtray for many people, most likely discordmods.
It can also mean that the cooch has been infected with many sorts of STIs resulting in a dusty cooter.
{chad} yooo dude we used {kira's} Dusty Cooch
{kyle} wooah bro that must have reeked of STIs
The act of having sex with someone over 65 years of age
Jim: how was your weekend Tom?
Tom: it was great, I had an aggressive dusty doorknob with my grandparents!
Dusty doorknob a person who gives bad vibes or just basically dusty
Kierra is a dusty doorknob she give me bad vibes and always be dusty