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Wakanda fo eva is a MEME
that was going around for a lil bit.

It is dead as fuck now.

Go suck a nigga's black cock

Hey Juju where are you from my nigger?
Wakanda my white motherfucker. Wakanda fo eva you white piece of balls

by Anastasisthenigger April 29, 2018

happily eva after

To get a fair chance of being with the person of your dreams

Larrane - "If Glenn likes that girl then he will wanna marry me, I'm soooo hot now"
Justina - "I bet if you ask that asshole Glenn to help you with something we can use Facebook to make it appear as if he wants you the most instead of what the situation actually is"

Larrrane - "Great plan! After we sell the stuff I buy with the credit cards I stole from the nice people who took me off the street bc I'm soooooooooooo hot and buy dope let's get busy making sure Glenn doesn't even get a chance to live happily Eva after.
Justina - "Serves him right for backing away EVERY time u tryed to eat his face with your fake model self"
Larrane - "And it serves her right for being the girl Glenn told me he wanted to hook up with when I asked why he wouldn't bang me in the90's"

by OBH1514 March 13, 2014

Eva water™

The best water brand in the whole universe. The conmpany is lead by by Eva, the Irish pee president. Charlie the hydrate homie is a well known advitiseor for this amazing brand.

Wow, isn't Eva water™ incredible, I love it!!!

by Charlie the hydrate homie January 24, 2021

Eva Braun cocktail

Any variety of drink laced with poison with the intention of killing or to commit suicide. From the poison drink prepareed by Hitler's girlfriend/wife in the bunker by which they commited suicide as the Allied Forces were bearing down. Also pronounced Eva Brown.

I so fucking feed up with everything that I don't know whether to make an appointment with Dr. Kovorkian or just make myself an Eva Braun cocktail.

by Frankie & Johnnie April 24, 2005

27👍 45👎

pull an eva smith

what i want to do

The English exam this morning made me want to pull an Eva Smith.

by streamthealbumbyblackpink October 3, 2020

6👍 1👎

Roastin like eva

In the well crafted words of Eli Porter, "I got you roastin like eva". Usually meaning a wicked burn or roast/ insult on someones behalf.

Saucman 1: Hey Mr. Marvin what kinda pants are those? They look like some bitch pants!

Sauceman 2: damn, Mr. Marvin he's got you roastin like eva

by negroid23 March 14, 2009

3👍 4👎

Eva loves Tom

This is a very Rare disease where you will start stalking him on Snapchat , looking at photos of him, dreams about going to his house, playing with his goat, doesn’t have a monkey ?, you snap him a lot , and haven’t stopped liking him since you started high school. ( this will only happen to you if your name is Eva )

Girl- I’ve got the Eva loves Tom

Girl2 - ohhhh no!!!!!

by 123iseeall! January 8, 2021

1👍 1👎