Source Code

St. Louis Explosion

While a man is having anal sex with a tight woman, he pulls out as fast as he can and the penis creates a suction to the feces inside the anus and the feces come out as well, if done properly in an explosion.

Person 1: Why do you smell bad?
Person 2: I gave some chick a St. Louis explosion.
Person 1: Cool, wanna give me one?

by hastatus3 May 4, 2010

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Explosive Bloody Diarrhea

When you go the the bathroom and have to poop so bad you have juice coming out and goes onto the ceiling in the room you're in and the next room. After you are done you have to get the room service in the hotel to help you clean up the diarrhea juice and there is some blood on the walls and in the toilet when you are done. The toilet gets clogged and you have the get a plunger and get all the bloody diarrhea out. Since you have some much pain you get stressed and decide to drink and the next day you have a hangover.

"Man i just had some explosive bloody diarrhea last night in the hotel."

by woooooooah September 25, 2016

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Froot-Loop Explosion

Bringing your senses to orgasmic climax by eating froot loops and simultaneously hitting a froot-loop flavored vape like a fuckin champ.

Yo dude she told me she was into Froot-Loop Explosions...that's when I knew she was the one.

by LaheysLiquorLocker2 May 4, 2017

explosive diaharia

diahria that can blow up

When i took a poop i lit it up and it was explosive diaharia

by lhufghjfh February 3, 2010

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Pop rock explosion

Pop rock explosion is when a female puts pop rocks in her pussy and the male partner puts his dick in soda and fucks her.

They went home and did the pop rock explosion until she squirted.

by Bob Marly 15 February 14, 2014

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Ovarian explosion

A condition that results from a female finding out that the man that she wants to father her babies is either taken or gay. As a result, her ovaries self-destruct.

"Neil Patrick Harris is gay?! Nooooooooooo......!" *Ovarian explosion*

by realwhippersnapper November 21, 2012

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Emmi Explosion

1.A Very Hyper Person With The Random Urge To Jack Off At Random Moments, And This Usually Occurs At The Most Awkward Moments.

2.When A Girl Named Emmi Cums Everywhere Which Would Also Be Known As Exploding, Thus Creating The Term, Emmi Explosion.

1. There Is This Crazy Girl Named Emmi Explosion In My House, Get Her The Fuck Out!

2. Someone Named Emmi Just Did An Emmi Explosion All Over The Place.

by Vannahpire December 19, 2009

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