When sex with a penis goes to the extreme.
Man: I am tired of regular penis sex, tonight we're doing extreme penis sex
Refers to the top hardest “Extreme Demon” level on the unofficial Demon List for the game developed by Robert Topala (RobTop, RobTopGames) Geometry Dash. Geometry Dash is a 2-D rhythmic based platformer game, in case you didn’t know. Top 1 Extremes aren’t forever as they do get replaced by more and more of them as the existence of the creation of more extremely hard level carry’s on.
Some Random Guy: Did you hear that Trick verified a new Top 1 Extreme?
Some Other Random Guy: No, but that’s totally cool dude!
extreme power metal is a form music spawned from the power metal genre. The key ideal behind it is the music is played at very high speeds and to make sound well has to be done with skill. extreme power metal bands often use keybords or keytars and the vocals are almost operatic, there is usually many solos within the songs which tend to be long songs. the concept of the style is to make the listner feel powerfull and the songs are uplifting
the original extreme power metal band is "dragonforce" who have started to pick up credit for there music after there signing with "roadrunner records" and there 3rd album "inhuman rampage" and there music video for the song "through the fire and the flames" which shows the band simply playing the song. there early albums "valley of the damned" and "sonic firestorm " the songs often include lyrics about epic battles with riding across battle feilds. the band also includes a 3rd of the worlds slammers (a style of playing the guitar) and herman lei won the best shredder metal hammer award
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rayan you are so fucking gay it actually hurt me, it pains me. Stop being gay, i beg. It aint funny and ur fucking annoying asf bro ong nobody likes you.
rayan stfu ur so gay, rayan is extremely gay
-i know
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A rare disease where the victim becomes a walking talking life size erection.
What's up with Fionn recently he's acting a right knob?
Haven't you heard? He's the first person in the world to get extreme boner syndrome, he's basically a giant walking cock.
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The next level of goodness in relation to ones status on that particular day.
Yo Tyrone, whats extremely good?
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1. noun: Any act of cuddling beyond normal, chill holding hands. This can include full-contact cuddling, kissing, making out, or sex. It is often used to deter nosy friends, (see example 1.) when they want to know more about your relationship than they should.
2. noun: A rare case is actually when a couple is holding hands--and nothing else--but has manage to warp it into something incredibly sexual. Interesting to watch. This form of extreme hand-holding should perhaps be it's own fetish.
"Hey! What did you and _____ do last night??" -Nosy Friend
"Nothing much, a little extreme hand-holding." -Friend in Relationship
(Conversation ends, nosy friend thwarted)
DuDe!!1! Look at those two! I had no idea you could get THAT into holding hands.... extreme hand-holding ftw.
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