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Fall Classic

Dropping a deuce in a jack-o'-lantern as a Halloween prank.

My neighbor just put out his jack-o'-lantern. Time for a Fall Classic tonight.

by rush3n October 6, 2010

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Falling Star

A sex act in which prior to ejaculation, the male removes his penis from the vagina, opting to run over and ejaculate on the T.V screen belonging to the female.

I wish we could watch the Gilmore girls, but Brian messed up the screen with his falling star.

by Meatman January 16, 2006

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Fall River

Fall River like any other city has it's "ups and downs" I myself am rather fond of Fall River. The city on a Hill filled with ethnic diversity including an abundance of European Immigrant traditions as well as gorgeous old Victorian Homes and neighborhoods.
Fall River was named after the Quequechan; a Native American, which translates into "falling water". The Quequechan River runs through the city which overlooks the Taunton River and flows into Mt. Hope Bay. The river, along with all the salt used in the winters here, are the main causes for all the "potholes" So my suggestion is be aware and drive slowly. enjoy the sites.

If someone tells you to Cruise the "Ave" there are much better ways to waste your gas such as drive from Somerset to Little Portugal in 5 minutes flat.

You might find a sign that reads: "Next time you cut through my yard go around" or never-ending one way streets large enough for 2 lanes, and two way streets one lane wide. But again, Drive slowly! Some potholes have been known to swallow entire Toyota sedans.

Fall Rivers hails the unsolved mystery of Lizzie Borden; acquitted of the hatchet murders of her father and stepmother in 1892. She is buried at Oak Grove Cemetary.
Emeril Lagasse, the famous chef is from Fall River, MA. BAM!

I went to see the "Portas da Cidade" in Fall River and sat on the bench and ate a malassada.

by 67twinturbo February 26, 2009

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Glens Falls

A shithole town that is dragged down even more by its neighboring towns of Hudson Falls and Fort Edward. Their education is no where near their football and basketball is a joke. They always think there better even though their high school ceilings are caving in by the second.

Guy 1: Hey you want to go to Glens Falls?
Guy 2: Where?

by GregCo December 6, 2018

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ball fall

the male equivelant of a nip slip.... except with balls

Did you see Matt Damon at the Oscars?
He had a total ball fall.

by ilduce1390 April 25, 2009

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dead to fall

the best hardcore band of all time www.deadtofall.com

I went to the Dead to Fall show last night and lost my virginity. What??

by state of alert March 22, 2005

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Klamath Falls

The armpit of Oregon, a total shit stain of a town. Population 40,000... but why the fuck would that many people want to live there? Otherwise known as the Dirty Klam, (due to the filthy white trash, and disgusting majority of obese men, women, and children, and the meth head infestation in town) and also known as Klam-Meth Falls, ('nuff said). Home to a few 12 step treatment centers, (because there's nothing to do here except drugs) Oregon Tech, (the highlight of town), and a few famous stinky hobos, such as Wolverine, and Panda Bear. Natives of Klamath Falls seem to be the most fucking brain dead, ignorant people you will ever meet. There is also a good chunk of white boys who try to act black thinking they are hard. Go ahead and challenge one of them to a fight, they will run like little pussies when the real thing is about to start anyways. There are plenty of teen moms, and illegitimate children in Klamath Falls. This is due to the fact that some are too fucking stupid to know what a condom is, or they spent that condom money on drugs. other common excuses for having children include: they couldn't afford birth control, and I dont believe in abortions. Well way to go ya fuckin retard because now you're barely paying any attention to the kid you are supposed to raise and ruining his or her life so you can go and smoke meth, teach them to smoke meth, steal, teach them to steal, or stab someone.

Most women in this town usually have more children than missing teeth, (which is a ridiculous amount), and the tweakers! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!
Klamath falls is a fucking disgrace
welcome to the dirty klam bitch.
Hey Klamath Falls inhabitants, I'm gonna ask you to do something neither physically nor anatomically possible: GO FUCK YOURSELVES!
come on down and visit klamath falls, where the house prices are cheap because its a shitty fuckin' place to live or visit. Come see klamath lake which is basically a giant toilet covered in algae!

by Jasonic January 11, 2013

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