When your ass produces a fart so smelly the green aura flies over a forest.
"Hey where is Tracy?"
"Idk, she had a bad BOODLE FOG"
Came from Silent Hill 2 forest trail run meme, a Fog Runner is a person (usually men) who feels lost in life and has no idea on how to take the next step in life due to their plans (usually during high school) not working out. or
"Did you remember that one person in Highschool who seemed to have a promising future due to his grades? He end up becoming a fog runner after finishing high school."
Came from Silent Hill 2 forest trail run meme, a Fog Runner is a person (usually men) who feels lost in life and has no idea on how to take the next step in life due to their plans (usually during high school) not working out. or
"Did you remember that one person in Highschool who seemed to have a promising future due to his grades? He end up becoming a fog runner after finishing high school."
Came from Silent Hill 2 forest trail run meme, a Fog Runner is a person (usually men) who feels lost in life and has no idea on how to take the next step in life due to their plans (usually during high school) not working out. or
"Did you remember that one person in Highschool who seemed to have a promising future due to his grades? He end up becoming a fog runner after finishing high school."
The beer's spirit (or birit) escaping its frosty cask.
As I opened my frosty bottle of PBR I notice the birit escaping into a beer fog.
The opposite of post nut clarity
Example-You give them the best sex of there life now they are promising you the world even though 5 mins ago they were pissed off at you and wanted nothing to do with you
Definition Nut Fog = The act of which the sex was so good it makes that person fall madly in love with the other for a short period of time even if there are inherent flaws and said party caused the problems to begin with.
Antiquing someone with flour packed into one's rectum.
"Doom fog tastes like shit, but waking up to ram your forehead into your roommate's butt cheeks is worse."