That patch of skin in the middle of a mustache, in the middle of the lip that doesn't grow hair.
Look at Juan's Mexican Gap, typical mustache on a Latino
When you break bread, otherwise known as splitting the profit
Yeah I'll ride with you but you got to gap it down!
When just one greater than symbol isn't enough to describe how superior something is. Often accompanied by censoring the obviously inferior things.
Often used ironically to emphasize an eccentric or absurd opinion.
Poster 1: Sgt. Peppers is the best beatles album of all time!
Poster 2: Abbey Road > Revolver >> Rubber Soul >>>> Power Gap >>>> Sgt. P*pp*rs
A difference of at least 20 IQ points between two individuals that makes the discussion between them difficult
Mike: ”Did you talk with Susan?”
Carl: ”Yeah, but it was hard because of the IQ gap”
Going less than 20km\h over the speed limit, which is forbidden and not fined in Russia at the same time, serving only as aggravation in case you have an accident. Named after hussars, who were a branch of imperial cavalry in Russian Empire. Most of the cars you see on road will be driving at speeds 10-15 km\h higher than the signs allow, thanks to the existence of hussar gap.
You can't get fined going 78 in a 60 zone in Russia, because technically you're goin in a hussar gap. So, on a 110 highway you can speed up to 128, even under cameras. But if you go 131, bam, fine in your mail the next week.
This is a polite way of telling somebody to fuck off .
Mate hit the gaps you don't have a chance.
The gap located between a woman's thighs who has a massive booty.
Damn, look at that THUNDER GAP