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The hamilton is a rare sighting, usually seen on a track in an F1 car. Those driving for Red Bull in F1 should be worried about a hamilton as it quite likes the right rear tyre of one

There’s a hamilton on the track.

by Skeleratis January 20, 2022


The most shit city in new Zealand

Everybody hates Hamilton including the people that live there

(Random guy outside countdown)"Only dumb cunts like Hamilton"

by Paddy gower April 21, 2020


Sexy,hot beast of a man who is very introverted even though you cannot tell by the looks of him. Everyone has a crush on him, and can turn straight guys gay.

Have you heard about the new kid Hamilton?”
“Ya I heard he turned Michael gay!”

by Salted.Peas February 17, 2020


Better then Sam Yapp in everyway

"That guy is so Hamilton"

by rewaghsdfgSD September 4, 2022


Who: Bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a scottsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the carribean by provadence impoverished in squalor

Parents: When he was ten his father split, full of it, debt ridden two years later see Alexander's mother bed ridden half dead, sittin in their own sick, the scent thick- And Alex got better but his mother went quick

Job: Started workin, clerkin for his late mother's landlord

Where: Well, the word got around, they said, 'this kid is insane, man!' took up a collection just to send him to the mainland

my name is Alexander Hamilton, And theres a million things I haven't done, but just you wait... just you wait...

by a.mbr15 October 3, 2023


Hamilton is a pretty chill dude, with some weird parents. He is a solid 6/10, but makes up for it in athleticism and loyalness. He is basically the resting face of mankind.

Kid 1: Hey look its that one kid.
Kid 2: Oh yeah! We've gone to school with him since kindergarten, but still don't know his name!
Hamilton: *sigh

by lon$ly boi April 9, 2020

Evan Hamilton

Sexiest man alive
Very hot

That is an Evan Hamilton over there.
You see that Evan over there (I want him).

by original_hams April 15, 2024