Is usually a man with a massive slong and a big heart. Usually found playing cod warzone or halo because bruh this man's a gamer. In his free time he can always be found watching pka (podcast) or commentary YouTubers. He is 100% always found in a relationship with a sexy ass stoner gamer bitch.
Harley, is a sexy ass man. I'd get pregnant with his child.
Huge cock with Riley plays with
I got totally Harleyd last night
A type of motorcycle that Katy Perry invented with her brand new single Harleys In Hawaii out now everywhere.
“Did you see Katy Perry ride that Harley in her new music video”
“omg yes, it was so hot, she really is the queen of music”
Harley... She's a force to be reckoned with living and dying by her morals.
More often than not standing up for other people instead of herself although in the long run is always portrayed as the bad one, the drama queen or attention seeker.
To the contrary ..Harley is simply trying to make a difference in the world even if it means doing a little bad to bring the greater good to mankind. She's too honest , to open, and so loving and devoted with her loyalty that she has found 99% of her time alone.
If you're lucky enough to find a Harley hold tight and never let her go.
Having a Harley is simply heaven... And inevitably everything you could ever want.
Harley is a person who is absolutely obsessed with Harry Styles. Like she will sell her soul to him for a Love On Tour ticket. She has a huge personality (that's a compliment) and can light up any room she walks in. But again, she will go crazy for Harry Styles. I'm sure she would give up 10 years of her life just to see him in person.
Harley is my favorite person.
Harley: A thin boy who has a shït sense of fashion, but don’t be scared to meet him, he is a sensitive person but inside he cares for a certain someone. Harley’s personality and humour bullshït but funny, his looks are ok. He is not a solid 10/10 but he alright, the best thing about him is prolly his hair. His hair is a wavy mess but it is gorgeous :)
Person 1- I met a person to day he was nice and caring, his name was Harley!
Person 2- WoW I want to meet him.
Harley is a fat bitch who says shit to people mostly to girls and will body shame them. Harley needs to make sure he’s perfect first before he judges others
Harley is a pig