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While many beautiful women may post their profile and picture on an internet dating site...the only ones that you MR. AVERAGE JOE HETEROSEXUAL will hook up with are the 5's...and SINGLE MOTHERS.The 8,9,10 girl has her picture up for ego-grat
purposes.She's only available if you can somehow PROVE INCOME.
You know what I mean.

HONEST DRINKIN' BUDDY #1:"It's been awhile.I just had to clear the pipes.Hooked up with this cute single mom off MATCH.Not goin' back."

HONEST DRINKIN' BUDDY #2:"Yeah...I'm doin'okay now but awhile back I found myself in bed with this gnarly 5 off MYSPACE.I guess that's just INTERNET DATING REALITY."

by L.MARTIN January 15, 2006

35πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Political Reality Disorder

You suffer from political reality disorder when you don't believe what the MSM (mainstream media) says because logic and reality scream an entirely different picture no matter how hard they try to shove a lie down your throat.

When you're smarter than the average "sheeple" out there and you are a critical thinker and can discern for yourself without the clutter of outside banter from liars.

i suffer from "political reality disorder" and unfortunately there isn't a "pharmaceutical" with can be given to remedy this problem because I already understand how the BIG PHARMA MACHINE WORKS and I refuse to be "medicated" into compliance.

by Mindy M October 27, 2016

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

facing up to reality

Facing the fact that you've gone from reading a book in print to online in a few easy steps.

Isn't it about time you started confrontationally facing up to reality?

by Hercolena Oliver July 11, 2008

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Escape From Reality

When your life sucks and you need a sanctuary; ballin every Saturday from 10 to 12.

Arnon: How was CBA Goats?
Hunter: My life was going downhill when I broke up with my girlfriend, but the moment coach called me DeeMaa I was able to escape from reality.
Sonam: For a moment, I forgot about my cancer and became Giannis Antetokounmpo.
Seimo: Family on THREE! 1, 2, 3...

Seimo, Coach: FAMILY!!!

by Mosyeeto April 2, 2022

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

key to escape reality

some righteous ganja.

"but fortunatelyyy i have the key to escape reality" -keller williams

by john harper September 15, 2006

8πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Reality Bowl Check

This term defines the akward, then funny, then sad, and finally moment of paranoia, when you realize you've been sitting on the toilet so long; reading, drawing, texting, eating, sleeping, singing, looking on the computer, or having a epiphany, that you genuinely forgot if A: You even took a shit B: Wether you wiped if the previous incident did happen in the first place.

This is often an unnerving experience that can only be solved by checking the bowl to see if there is any "evidence". Don't relax just yet if the bowl check comes back negative. This can be tricky as the phantom shit does exist and will fool an inexperienced shitter into thinking it was a poo dream or day poo dream. Then to be safe one must wipe, even though there is a chance that the poo is non existent and your wrinkled penny will be chafed by unnecessary wiping.

Jimmy: The weirdest thing happened to me the other day.
Steve: What was it man?
Jimmy: I was eating my lunch on the can and then i did some homework, and drifted off. I woke up later and as i went to pull my pants up, I panicked thinking that i had taken a shit and was about to walk without wiping.
Steve: Well did you shit?
Jimmy: I don't know, i checked the bowl, and it was empty but i couldn't shake the feeling that i had taken a shit and it had disappeared, i mean i thought i took a shit but i couldn't remember, and there was no "evidence". How do i know if it was real?
Steve: How do we know if anything is real.... You wiped right?
Jimmy: I DONT KNOW MAN!!!!

Steve: I think you need to have a reality bowl check....

by Drockf February 5, 2014

Detached from reality

Insane. Just plain off your rocker. Not "with it".

β€œI thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has lost contact withβ€” he’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff," Barr said of a breaking point he had in December.

by June 13, 2022