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Chamber bot

A person whose forehead is so flat you could land an airplane on it.

"Oh, that guy?" asked Chad, "He's a Chamber bot just drag him."

by Jimmy1236969420 July 15, 2021

Fart Chamber

A sex act where one pulls the sheets over their partners head and farts under the covers, forcing them to breath it in. This is typically done while receiving oral sex.

When Ben was eating Liz out last night she fart chambered him.

by Gooseless September 1, 2024

Titty chamber

A device also called a bra that holds boobs captive that I uncomfortable and expected by ugly rude sexist people

Omg, my titty chamber hurts

by Ryss457 February 4, 2022

eco chamber

Only hearing extremely filtered opinions that you want to hear

Dream lives in an eco chamber
So he only hears good things

by Intop43 February 15, 2023

Gas Chambered

When a group of guys add one girl to a group chat and proceed to ‘gas her up’

Girl 1: Omg Jake, Josh, and Drew gas chambered me the other night

Girl 2: oh shit what did they say

Girl 1 : That I was beautiful and that they wanted to smash the like button on my ass

by Fangirlme March 31, 2018

Ghoul Chamber

The small porcelain or glass containers used to store THC concentrates, aka dabs. Can also be called a “ghoul”. This term was coined by Brady and Ryan.

“Hey, Donny, pass me the ghoul so I can scrape it”
“Do you mean Ghoul Chamber, so the website will let us post this example?”

by Fat-Ice November 10, 2020

The Defecation Chamber


I must return to the defecation chamber my friend for I have the explosive shits.

by A motherfucking cuck October 11, 2019