litol isaac is one of a kind. but beware: he may ghost you when you're not looking. apart from that, he is pretty great & is one of the best friends you will ever come across. i hope he is doing well these days. he is like the colour orange & easy to love.
litol isaac, remember to take your vitamins & be positive! life goes on.
A means to create a digital closed trading system designed to take money from customers. Virtual currency is bought from the company, which makes profit off of every subsequent transaction made between customers. Oftentimes compared to ponzie schemes or MLM, but legally different.
"Yo, wanna join this virtual land trading game?" "No dude, that's an Isaac box, I don't want to lose my money"
A famous gay special ed kid who eats people and jerks off to cars 2
Isaac penner meaning gay retard.
Omg u saw issac eating a baby.
That means when you are attracted to Isaac Lahey from TEEN WOLF and would die for him
“Hey what’s your sexuality?”
“Oh iam Isaac sexual”
Usually a good looking gentlemen. With great taste for clothes and a great taste in men because he is a homosexual man
Omg just look at that dirty Isaac
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Friendly hand gesture/greeting in which you point both of your index fingers at someone with your thumbs up and flash a "Heyyy!" smile, mimicking Isaac the Bartender's greeting to the camera in the opening titles of every episode of "The Love Boat."
One of my roommate's friends waved at me during the party. I couldn't remember his name so I just flashed him a double Isaac and kept moving.
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Also known as Isaac Brown. A highschooler in FH who always needs attention. One of the funniest class clowns, Isaac Brown's can be caught saying the same phrases over and over again. For example, Isaac Brown's love to say, sketchy, awwwww, unessesary, I knowwww, that's pushing it, tool, come on, and many more. They are also very good at driving, acting, and esxspecially singing. You can find an Isaac Brown by listening for the kid who will randomly yell something out in a squeeky voice in the middle of class. In the small town of FH he made up PB'ing. They can sometimes be an asshole to people that aren't their friends, and are almost always sarcastic around a large group of people or when around girls. If your a true friend of an Isaac Brown, when not around alot of people, you can see an Isaac Brown's true personality which is actually a really cool person who is still funny and fun to hang out with.
FH chick: Hey, who is that kid fist pumping and singing songs by Taylor Swift?
Bryce: Oh, that's just Isaac Brown
Jessica: Isaac you're sooo ripped and I can see your stash from like a foot away.
Isaac Brown: I knowwwww!
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