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tight in the ass

Often a derogatory statement made about a person who is described as anal retentive. A person who nit picks at minute details, refuses to admit error, or will keep an argument going just for the sake of being correct or having the last word. Also known as TITA

Republican conservatives are the largest group of TITA pundits in America.

by Anonymous October 15, 2003

32๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

tight ass

A person who watches their nickle and dimes. Want spend allot of money on something when they know the same item cost less some where else. Don't buy unnecessary things they don't need just because it is a good price. NOW, go look up "Cheap Ass".

tight cheap tight ass cheap ass

by Shineon August 17, 2013

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Tight Ass

A person who usually will not spend money on himself or others.
This is usually the guy within the group of your friends that always manages to forget his wallet when he goes with you to get fast food. He does not tell you he forgot his wallet until after you've ordered and are pulling up to pay at the drive thru window. Also, this is the very same person that has never ever paid for your fast food meal in return and never ever plans to pay you back in any way shape or form.

Chris is such a total tight ass! He throws nickels around as if they were manhole covers. He owes me at least three Jack In The Box combo meals.
Don't ever take Chris with you to eat. Its just another free meal to that tight ass!

by blake dremmel April 2, 2009

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tight mit

a tight vagina

yo, u wheeling tight mit?
yeeeee bro

by cmac79 November 23, 2010

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tight tities

Breast inplants, Fake Tits

Yo there not real those are Tight Tities

by Clientele October 12, 2004

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tight action

1. To infer that something is cool or appealing.
2. May also be used with the word Jackson at the end to show that you are directing this comment towards another person.

1. "I just found a twenty in these old jeans I got at the Goodwill. Tight Action!
2. Ed: "Hey Lucy, do you want to go see the new movie at the cinema.
Lucy: Tight Action Jackson!!

by Nick Brackett December 23, 2006

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dripping tight

Completely drunk

Let's get dripping tight! He/ she dripping tight. From (partridges concise dictionary of slang)

by j.i.e.l April 14, 2021