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Jessica is a a pretty girl. She can be bossy,bitchy and mean but if your her friend she’ll treat you with much respect. Sometimes she can be attention seeking and want the spotlight but if a friend is in need she wastes no time to get there. She has a nice body and is very sporty and competitive even against her bestest friends. She has been through tough times and even though she’s not the smartest she can get jealous and violent but if you know a Jessica she’s one of a kind.

Person 1 : omg dude do you see that girl she’s so fit !
Person 2 : she’s definitely a Jessica!

by Unicornnicknackz October 19, 2018

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Jessica is the best person ever known, she will some day rule the world. She can be mean sometimes but everyone still loves her no matter what. She is a nice girl when she wants to be but can be mean when she wants to be. She's not too girly but she isn't a manly man type of girl. She has a very nice body and likes to go on walks sometimes with her friends. She likes to smack her friend's butt sometimes and especially her boyfriend's for some odd reason. She likes to eat ring pops, especially the blue ones at football games with her friends. She doesn't like getting gifts just like most girls but she really appreciates presents anyway. She can pull off any look and look 100% all the time no matter what she's doing. She has nice silky smooth hair with the cutest smile in the whole world and always has her hair up in a bun, in a rare occasion you see her hair down, so you better appreciate it! Everyone loves Jessica and will never stop.

Jessica is toiiiiight!
Is Jessica coming over tonight? She's pretty entertaining
This Jessica girl hot AF

by fergdogthehog March 1, 2018

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The most beautiful and soft person on the planet, They are the greatest person to be in a relationship as they can provide emotional loving support which can bring you to tears with their massive amount of space for love.

The name Jessica emits raw love straight from the soul and you'd be elated to have them in your life, oh and they love cats too! you'd love to be around Jessica.

"Damn, I am just so lucky to have Jessica with me, she is just a blessing to this earth and more."

by FillangeTime November 19, 2018

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Jessica’s are very well known to be hated dislikes people. In other words they are hoes, especially Canadian and American ones, they are disgusting and probably potential molesters, they are very desperate for attention and smell like fish

Person 2: She is so desperate geez.
Person 1: XD TRUE

by catgirl16 January 29, 2019

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Is an annoying white bitch with no freinds

Man that girl is such a Jessica ugh

by KINGHANDO August 14, 2020

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A usually lovely girl, but has trust issues and is quite impulsive. She is often the mom of the friendship group making sure everyone is okay, but she can also be a bit hot headed She often will have a glow up by the time she’s 15, and will go from the boys making fun of her, to the boys who are in love with her. She thinks worse of herself, but as long as her friends are by her side she’ll be okay! If you meet a Jessica, don’t judge her to quickly.

Doesn’t Jessica look nice today!

by Tiktok Obsessed May 14, 2020

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The most beautiful girl your ever meet, and she makes a very good friend. Always their for you always is ready to help, and never lets a friend down :3

My best friend is Jessica! She's so nice!

by SkittlesSoundSilly March 27, 2019

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