Source Code

keyboard kill

Something very funny, communicated online. The idea is that it's so funny that it causes you to spill and/or cough your drink onto your keyboard, shorting it out.

l4mez0r: ...and she said, yeah, but not with *that* spatula!
d00derino: LOL keyboard kill!

by Shoutingboy March 11, 2011

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A keyboard thug is a narcissist, sociopath or psychopath who uses the internet to; terrorize others, create a false version of himself, bully, stalk or hack. He/she is a coward and uses the internet, mobile phones and other keyboards to create upset, fear, defamation of others while simultaneously creating a false and favorable public persona of himself.

After her email accounts were hacked into, Andi suspected that she was being followed. The police found that not only were all her social media, email and contacts hacked into, she had a key-stroke recording bug on her phone. The Keyboard-Thug who was stalking her, was a man she met on Match.com. The police told her not to be so trusting to men she met online as many of them are Keyboard-Thugs who are falsely representing themselves.

by Narcblock April 27, 2018

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Hardcore Keyboard

A person who uses the computer to bring up problems and argue instead of doing it face to face.
Hardcore Keyboard is similar to Internet Toughguy, the difference being, you actually know the Hardcore Keyboard person in real life.

"We spent the whole day together and she was fine, but the moment I logged on she went Hardcore Keyboard on my ass saying the relationship wasn't working out."

by RobAdie October 22, 2008

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keyboard banger

Someone who hits the keyboard to have it make loud noises in order to make it seem like they are working hard, often hitting random keys sporadically to imitate someone who is hard at work.

Sol: Wow, Manny is working hard typing that fast.
Derrick: Manny is not working hard, he is just a professinal keyboard banger.

by monty1980m November 5, 2009

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Upside down keyboard

An expression of either great pleasure or great frustration.

To do the gesture, you should first open your hands in front of them with their palms facing upwards. After that, wiggle just your fingers. That's how you do the upside down keyboard.

-Good upside down keyboard-
My favorite band, Grown Ups, are playing ten minutes away on my birthday, * performs upside down keyboard*

-Bad upside down keyboard-
Player 1: Checkmate.
Player 2: *performs upside down keyboard*

by nightlifecommando June 17, 2011

Faustus keyboard disease

A disease which causes people on Discord to type in all caps and frequently yell "AAAAAAAA"

Faustus: LIFE IS SO DEPRESSING!!!!!!!!
Kass: Bruh why does everyone on Discord have Faustus keyboard disease lately

by notyusufr October 25, 2020

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Chair-To-Keyboard Interface

Useful abbreviation as CTKI, or occasionally CKI (Chair-Keyboard Interface).

CTKI is the tech-tarded USER that TECHS spend so much company time dealing with that could be better spent on more important network issues.

USER: "My login doesn't work. Is the network down or something?"

TECH: "No, networks fine. Is your Caps Lock on?"

USER: "Oh my gosh, it IS, tee-hee! Sorry for calling you from your lunch break as an emergency."

(Boss comes in): "So USER tells me there's network problems and they can't log in! What's going on with the system?"

TECH: "Problem solved. But I think it would be in your best interest to replace the CTKI."

(CTKI=Chair-To-Keyboard Interface,)

by Doc Pyrata May 4, 2008

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