Lana is the best person you will ever meet and you are lucky to be best friends with her. She is so sweet, silly (goofy ahhh), LITERALLY STUNNING don't even doubt it, and I will miss her so much I never want her to leave me. She will hate me for this but she once stayed after school 30 minutes to wait for me so we could walk home together. There are so many more examples like that that just show how kind, and real of a person she is. She makes me feel so happy when I'm sad and I love staying up until 3 am wtching NP together. Love you lana and ill never forget youuuuuu <333333
"Omg lana, I love you so much and I am so happy to be your bestie. I will miss you so much."
Lana isn't a bad name, but be prepared to be made fun of by some mean people if it is your name.
Anaphora simile metaphor juxtaposition personification allusion allegory idiom symbolism analogy pysma apostrophe tricollon repetition refrain intertextuality imagery cliche rhyming couplets parallelism tone theme motif
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SHESSS the bestgirldfreidnwd ever I love her so much. Trust me she is the cutest person youll ever meet and will ever see. If you have a lana shes a keeper.
my Lana is the most beautiful and smart girl i have ever met, i love her so much and she is the bestest friend that i have ever had. she is my hunger games bestie, my Gilmore girls girl and many more. she is the one with the fashion sense, my skincare girlie. i'm so lucky to be your best friend. i will love you forever. btw girl your eyelashes are amazing. anyone who meets you will be changed for forever (in a good way). your pirouettes are amazing and i'm sure what ever you want to do when your older you turn in to a profesh dancer.
girl 1: omg look at those girls pirouettes who is she
Hello Lana this is your boyfriend. I was just wondering when you were ever going to come home. I miss you so much and I'm really tired of waiting around for you. It sucks not talking to you. I really want you and no one can replace you. I don't know what the problem is or what's keeping you from me. I think about you everyday and not having you is torture. Please talk to me. I haven't found someone new. Is there something I did wrong? I've been trying my best to get by without you and recently it's been hell. Honestly, what the fuck are you doing? I thought we had something. I feel like an idiot waiting for someone who apparently doesn't care about me. It's not fair. I don't like making a fool of myself on the internet but I don't know what else to do. You haven't texted or called. What we had was great and I would love to continue that. I feel so lonely and dead inside. How much longer will you keep this up? Please, pretty please, with sugar on top, call me or text me. SOMETHING. I think enough time has past. I don't bite. Please stop this madness. If you think it's cool what we have right now you are totally wrong. It's not cool. I love you all the way even though you're putting me through hell. You just left and years have past. I don't like this. I would love to love you if you'll just let me. This situation doesn't make any sense. Please, for the love of God hit me up.
Friend: Aren't you dating Lana?
Friend 2: Who is Lana? I barely know who she is because she doesn't talk to me. I don't know why but I really want her to.
Lana is the definition of dumb, alongside that she is also quite stupid. If you come across a Lana, do not waste your time or brain cells trying to add to her knowledge, for it will only cause you to stoop to her level. Good luck.
Stranger: Her, your name is Lana.. Right?
Lana: Uhh... I think. I mean.. Yeah.
Stranger has now ran away.